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sop: group ring edges and loop edges

You can use this operator to select edge rings procedurally:
https://www.orbolt.com/asset/animatrix::selectEdgeRing::1.00 [orbolt.com]

I didn't get around to making the edge loop version though

As for my RFEs:

Generics for VEX
Bit array data structure for VEX
Set data structure for VEX
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
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And this is a simple “Edge/Point Loop Tool” that I made for you and You can complete it with do some changes on it's network

http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=30559 [sidefx.com]
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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SOP: WHILE LOOP SOP NODE , not only just foreach,while loop also important.
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SOP : extrude poly along curve, just like maya (yes,I wish SESI win AUTODESK)
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Still missing the pose library…
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Ability to use Ctrl + F in extended code editors to Find Text like before. This used to work in H11, but now it doesn't. Ctrl + H still works.

If you instinctively press Ctrl + F and start typing immediately, you will be in for a surprise Takes a while to learn not to do this.
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
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Ability to use Ctrl + F in extended code editors to Find Text like before. This used to work in H11, but now it doesn't. Ctrl + H still works.

If you instinctively press Ctrl + F and start typing immediately, you will be in for a surprise Takes a while to learn not to do this.

This works fine for me (on Linux). Ctrl+F -> key focus goes in the search box (I just checked snippet, expression editor, python editor, etc.) I use it all the time, so I make sure it works all the time too

Is your hotkey unbound, by any chance?
Halfdan Ingvarsson
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Thanks halfdan, I will check at home but doubt it's unbound. Can you please check on Windows too?
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
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Ok I just checked and it shows only 2 actions bound to Ctrl+F. I also checked in a brand new 12.1 install and it's the same.

Do you know if the right action is missing? However I noticed when I hover the extended editor buttons Find shows no hotkey, but Find and Replace, Jump to Line, etc show their hotkeys.

I suspect something is wrong with the Windows build.
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
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RFE: Ability to convert closed polygon curves into NURBS curves properly

Right now if you convert a closed polygon curve into a NURBS curve, it looks as if the curve is not closed. If you open the curve using the Ends SOP, and then convert it, it looks the same:

You can use the Add SOP to procedurally create a polygon curve from existing points. But there is no procedural way to create a closed NURBS curve using existing points. Curve SOP is not procedural unless you write a Python script to output the existing points into it. As I already mentioned, Add and Convert doesn't work as expected.

The only way I know without using Python SOP is to create a closed NURBS circle and then move its points to match your existing points.

To me this is a bug but if you think it's a feature, please consider it
Edited by - 2014年1月23日 21:59:20
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
Get to the NEXT level in Houdini & VEX with Pragmatic VEX! [www.pragmatic-vfx.com]

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SOP : extrude poly along curve, just like maya (yes,I wish SESI win AUTODESK)

You can simply use Copy SOP and Skin SOP to extrude poly face along a curve !

Copy your specify poly face on the curve's point with Copy SOP and use Skin SOP to make extrude effect on the copied faces.

Just to make correct rotation of the each copied face piece along the curve ,you should use edge_dir vector (in the Point SOP) for N (use VOP SOP to convert edge_dir to N)

You can put all this process in the Digital Asset to make new polyExtrude node
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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RFE: Sorting methods for VEX arrays, i.e. Quick Sort, etc.

It hinders productivity to have to write these from scratch
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
Get to the NEXT level in Houdini & VEX with Pragmatic VEX! [www.pragmatic-vfx.com]

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Jump to operator request:

when you use the floating parameter window(“the one you get with rightclicking a node”). the jump to operator button doesn't work..

Spreadsheet hotkey:

it would be nice if you can assign a hotkey in the spreadsheet option without righclicking first..
see if you want to make a hotkey for spreadsheet option you need to:

1.assign a hotkey to it.
2.press the hotkey and it doesnt open the spreadsheet.
3.but alternatively you can rightclick a node, AND THEN PRESS YOUR HOTKEY which is annoying..

thanks for good software guys keep the passion burning
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A Maya users wichlist desperately yearning for Houdini.
Actually it's pretty simple, just minor wishes, keep the core technologie but please change the frontend.
I know Side Effects itself and the Houdini usercommunity call Houdini the best 3D software ever but for me, who's looking at Houdini with a little distance, I see a good number of things that can be improved, easily.

- Get rid of the of the viewtool. Trust me, I worked with a few 3D packeges so far and none of them ever needed a viewtool. I just makes shortcut annoyingly unshort, by no benefit.

- Key-up / Key-down shortcuts, for snapping for example. In Maya it's super convinient to press down the V-key to get in vertexsnapping mode and when I release the key vertexsnapping mode is off. This just speeds up working.

- Speaking of snapping mode…snapping to one axis is another workflow accelerater. In combination with the already mentioned key-up / key-down shortcuts….it's like modeling in heaven

- Consistency throughout the TAB-menus. When I am at geomentry-level and press the TAB key there is no edgeloop, why?

- Don't constrain the user to volume geometry for things like particle collision or GI photons. Serriously, a software, that claims to be the best 3D software ever, doesn't manage to calculate particle collison correctly when the geometry has no volume. All other 3D software can do that, so why not the best of them? The same goes for GI photons.

- Improved rendercomparison would be handy. I shoudn't be that much of a problem to just show in the renderview how long the rendering took and not the time when it was finished because I coudn't care less about that information.

- Make “Keep position when parenting” default.

- Make “Lock camera/light to view” default or at least make it saveable as default in the preferences.

- Please use correct terms. For example: what you call “Group” is actually a “Component selection”, what you call “Subnetwork” is actually a “Group” (industry standard, deal with it). Another example: what you call “Refraction intensity” is actually “Index of refraction” or “Refractive Index” (industry standard as well, deal with it). Another example: What you call “Blast” is actually “Component delete”. There are probably a few more issues like that in Houdini, but I havn't found all of them yet (doesn't mean I'm searching). Things would be much easier to find, if they would be named probably.

- If there is time left, a Viewcube would be great because this thing's so handy and it just rocks!

- Oh and by the way, change the initial shading, it's just ugly. Apologize my honesty but that's just the way it is.

In conclusion, I really like Houdini and it really has the potential to be the best 3D software ever, but until then there are a few things the competitors are just handling better.
For those now, that wanna say: “But Houdini has a much better fluidsolver” or “Houdini has a much more better this and that….” How often, in my projects, do I use the fluidsolver? Maybe 3-4 times a year. How often do I use snapping? How often do I use GI photons? How often do I use grouping or parenting? Pretty much every single day.

- Oh I forgot, there's one issue that is probably one the most annoying to me. That every stupid little thing has to be ended/confirmed by pressing the enter key.
I open a new blank scene > TAB key > create a box primitive. Now I want to select some faces of that cube, so I press 4. Suddenly my viewport changes. I realize, my viewtool was active (WHICH IS COMPLETLY ANNOYING AND NEEDLESS!), so I wanna change to the select tool and press the s key. Instead of now just changing to the select tool, the infobar on the bottom says “Select geometry and choose an operation to perform” (I know how a select tool works, thanks! *rolleyes*). Now I have to press enter, to finaly get to my select tool. And this annoying procedure is true for everything in Houdini. I just want to create a scene with quick fluid test. To create the emitter I go to the particle shelf (because it is not listed in the TAB menu, for whatever reason!) I click on Emit Particle Fluid. Instead of just creating an emitter that emits particles, I now will be forced through a tiring precedure of “please first select this…”, “now select this….”, “now this….”, “press enter to complete whatever”. I know it is well-intentioned to guide the user through creation processes but it's to me more exhausting then helpful. As a compromise let's meet in the middle. When nothing is selected and I call whatever operation from whatever shelf, just create it!…please.

Cheers, the Clown
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Hi, Clown

Every 3d package has some viewtool with shortcut. For Maya it is Alt key, for XSI it's S key, for 3ds max.. its'combination of CTRL and Alt keys.

View tool in Houdini is nice, because it defines viewing context, so switching viewports, navigating in viewport and everything related to scene view goes through the viewtool (spacebar + something). You can use alt key and don't have to switch to view tool explicitly.

Sticky keys +1 on that. It's very usefull.

Tab menu are context sensitive. If default context doesn't suits you you can change it by editing or creating your own DA (*.otl's)

Turn off “Use Volume Based Collision Detection” on Collision tab of RBD object in DOP.

Save it as default in preferences. I like the opposite way like it's now.

123 or 456 config file during Houdini boot could help you if there is no menu entry for the item.

Where is defined that standard you mentioned?
Maya is quite young software to define any standards. Even throught AD portfolio each product defines these items differently. E.g. “Group” has different meaning in Maya then it has in 3ds max or Softimage. Null, Locator, Axis… same object in different Autodesk software and so on.
If these names offend you create your own DA with names you like.

Viewcube? :roll: Please no! If you are newbie, start with F1 key please.

You can modify the python script in shell menu to suits your needs better (switch enter confirmation for first item picked in selection, timed out or something completley different).
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Thanks for the tabloid-style post Klown, ~90% of what you are writing is possible already in Houdini. e.g. Edgeloop is there; tab- type“Edge” and it's there… the rest is similar. Maybe come back when you know the basics of Houdini.

Really if you want Maya- stick with Maya, it's a really good tool.

BTW. the Houdini Light background is awesome if you have a sunlight in the room! You can actually see the workspace

EdgeLoop.png (36.1 KB)

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Every 3d package has some viewtool with shortcut. For Maya it is Alt key, for XSI it's S key, for 3ds max.. its'combination of CTRL and Alt keys.

View tool in Houdini is nice, because it defines viewing context, so switching viewports, navigating in viewport and everything related to scene view goes through the viewtool (spacebar + something). You can use alt key and don't have to switch to view tool explicitly.

Of course every software has to use some key event to navigate but you don't need a viewtool.
Changing viewport…
…Maya tabbing spacebar
…Cinema 4D middlemouse click on the viewport
No viewtool needed.

Save it as default in preferences. I like the opposite way like it's now.
That's why I say “make it saveable in the preferences.” So those who like it this way, can go on this way but those who want to permanently change it, can do so as well.

Viewcube? Rolling Eyes Please no! If you are newbie, start with F1 key please.
That just opens the help, what exactly has that to do with the viewcube?

Where is defined that standard you mentioned?
Maya is quite young software to define any standards. Even throught AD portfolio each product defines these items differently. E.g. “Group” has different meaning in Maya then it has in 3ds max or Softimage. Null, Locator, Axis… same object in different Autodesk software and so on.

Yes, they all use different tools to group something (null, locator, axis….) but what they all have in common is, that grouping means to collect whatever data (geo, lights, particles, ….) under a group node. In none of them grouping means to select points, edges, primitives.

Thanks for the tabloid-style post Klown, ~90% of what you are writing is possible already in Houdini. e.g. Edgeloop is there; tab- type“Edge” and it's there… the rest is similar. Maybe come back when you know the basics of Houdini.

I do know the basics of Houdini….and no, it's not there. Why does the Houdini usercommunity always assume that someone, coming from a different 3D package, making whatever suggestion to improve Houdini, just doesn't know the basics. I deal with Houdini now for over 1 1/2 years. To say “come back when you know the basics of Houdini.” sounds pretty arrogant and impudent. What you mean is the TAB-menu called with the mouse over the viewport but with the mouse over the network editor, there is no edgeloop. Yes, I know it's context sensitive but I'm talking about geometry level. If geometrylevel is not the right context for the edgeloop command, what is?
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Houdini has a view tool because there is a handle tool for operators. I only use the handle tool when I need it, otherwise mine is set to view context at all times.

Grouping in Houdini is more than selecting components so renaming it to Component Selection would be misleading. For example when you randomly group points based their point number, no selection is taking place

I knew you were talking about this when it comes to the TAB menu not showing the edge loop. That's by design Because the viewport and the network editor TAB menus are different. Viewport TAB menu also shows the shelf tools while the network editor TAB menu doesn't.

In the case of edge loop, it wouldn't make sense to show it in the network editor TAB menu simply because their is no edge loop SOP. It's simply a non-procedural action that modifies your selection. Procedural edge loop and ring tools are requested frequently though so please submit an RFE for these.
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
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Korny Klown2
I do know the basics of Houdini….and no, it's not there.

I'm not convinced as the tab menu is in the Basic's section of the manual

Basics Tab menu
When you press Tab in the network editor, a list of all available node types for the network type appears. When you press Tab in the viewer, the menu lists the shelf tools.

http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini13.0/basics/tabmenu [sidefx.com]
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Grouping in Houdini is more than selecting components so renaming it to Component Selection would be misleading. For example when you randomly group points based their point number, no selection is taking place
I don't find it that misleading. No matter how you select components, manually, based on their point number or dynamicly through a script, vop, expression, you name it, technically the end result is always an array of some component type. I have no trouble calling this a Component selection.
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