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Thanks Korny, that does help - Fwiw I lodged a similar bug, #57818 “Snap to grid inconsistant/not working properly” some months ago.

It's probably worth putting up some new topics in the forums with your original issues, expand each one in detail like the single axis snapping and we can then drill on down to see if there is a bug, functionality issue or another way to to approach that issue. Thanks!

Does that mean you want me to make a thread for each of my issues and explain them in detail?
Well, I could but I don't want to become a burden to the community.
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Korny Klown2
Does that mean you want me to make a thread for each of my issues and explain them in detail?
Well, I could but I don't want to become a burden to the community.

It's no burden at all, we are learning here!

Looking back at you post there are only a few questions really. i.e. Try phrasing “Make ”Keep position when parenting“ default. ” as a question. i.e. Is there a way to make “Keep position when parenting” as a default?" The answer could come back as ‘Tick checkbox then use the gear menu ’Make Permanent Default'. etc

That way you could be right, it could be useful, and we can request a feature or you may learn something from people who have learnt the ways of Houdini
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RFE: Ability to copy code from disabled Wrangle nodes inside locked HDAs

Right now we have to unlock them to be able to select and copy parts of code we have written before in Wrangle nodes.

You have added the ability to scroll the editor in this state long ago, so this would complete it IMO.
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
Get to the NEXT level in Houdini & VEX with Pragmatic VEX! [www.pragmatic-vfx.com]

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Korny Klown2 wrote:
What do you expect to happen that turning on snapping and moving an object with one axis handle doesn't do in Houdini?

Here is a situation:

I have a line with three points, running along the z-axis.
Point 1 and 3 are in y=0, only point 2 is on y=1.
Now I want to snap point 2 to the y value and ONLY the y value.
In Maya I simply hold down the V-key to temporarily activate vertex-snapping, grab the y-axis of that point and just drag it down, so that it is flush with the other points. I release the V-key to get out of vertex-snapping, done!
Super quick, super convinient. I didn't had turn on/off anything, assign any shortcut to something. Everything prettymuch works on the fly. This is not possible in Houdini and is one of many things that makes modeling, for example, with Houdini inconvinient.

Thanks Korny, that does help - Fwiw I lodged a similar bug, #57818 “Snap to grid inconsistant/not working properly” some months ago.

It's probably worth putting up some new topics in the forums with your original issues, expand each one in detail like the single axis snapping and we can then drill on down to see if there is a bug, functionality issue or another way to to approach that issue. Thanks!

If I was to generalize this a bit more, you could probably start a thread on how to make “Interactive Houdini” more useful in general. I feel the “Procedural Houdini” (the non interactive mode where you build digital assets to create targeted, strongly typed asset based on parametric information) is by far the strongest in the industry. The “Interactive Houdini” (where users use hotkeys and shelf buttons to do straight up modeling tasks, etc) has not been the highest focus and could use a little love.

One thing that is interesting is that there are small pockets of functionality in there that show a TON of potential. For example, the edit sop as an interactive black box, is actually quite useful, but the add sop is not as strong for “tracing” polygons on top of a scan. I have found that this can be easily remedied on targeted procedural digital assets by intentionally adding the interactive features where it makes sense and easily accessible (i.e. a button on a tree creation tool to trigger the curve editing context to gather curve points for a parameter). So perhaps more of that but at a vanilla level? maybe a version of the Add sop that is a bit more interactive , yet parametric, like the Edit sop or the stroke sop?

Would love to see that thread going
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If I was to generalize this a bit more, you could probably start a thread on how to make “Interactive Houdini” more useful in general. I feel the “Procedural Houdini” (the non interactive mode where you build digital assets to create targeted, strongly typed asset based on parametric information) is by far the strongest in the industry. The “Interactive Houdini” (where users use hotkeys and shelf buttons to do straight up modeling tasks, etc) has not been the highest focus and could use a little love.

Would love to see that thread going Smile

Seriously, I'm considering to make a little video, where I can visually explain my ideas and suggestions, since I would really like to know what you guys think about them.
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SOP : extrude poly along curve, just like maya (yes,I wish SESI win AUTODESK)

You can simply use Copy SOP and Skin SOP to extrude poly face along a curve !

Copy your specify poly face on the curve's point with Copy SOP and use Skin SOP to make extrude effect on the copied faces.

Just to make correct rotation of the each copied face piece along the curve ,you should use edge_dir vector (in the Point SOP) for N (use VOP SOP to convert edge_dir to N)

You can put all this process in the Digital Asset to make new polyExtrude node
thanks I work out
http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=30599 [sidefx.com]
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SOP : extrude poly along curve, just like maya (yes,I wish SESI win AUTODESK)

You can simply use Copy SOP and Skin SOP to extrude poly face along a curve !

Copy your specify poly face on the curve's point with Copy SOP and use Skin SOP to make extrude effect on the copied faces.

Just to make correct rotation of the each copied face piece along the curve ,you should use edge_dir vector (in the Point SOP) for N (use VOP SOP to convert edge_dir to N)

You can put all this process in the Digital Asset to make new polyExtrude node
thanks I work out
http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=30599 [sidefx.com]

That's very Cool Man ,It's really useful Tool
Maybe Houdini doesn't have all of the useful tools in the other 3D Software like Maya ,But That's no problem :!: ,You can usually make your special tools without any particular programming just with Houdini's standard nodes 8)

Houdini is pretty like C++ :wink:
C++ standard functions are not numerous ,But we can develop these functions to make too many special functions and make too many applications like Game Engines , Simulators , 3D Software and etc
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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Hello guys, It would be great to have a solver like “Lagoa” Multiphysics simulator in Softimage or the awesome “Molecular” in Blender to create realistic sand effect, snow, etc because actually it's not possible to do with this realism.

Lagoa : https://vimeo.com/13457383 [vimeo.com]

Molecular : http://www.3dvf.com/actualite-8249–neige-dans-blender-avec-molecular.html [3dvf.com]

Your updates are amazing Side Effects, Keep it up!

Best regards
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Hello guys, It would be great to have a solver like “Lagoa” Multiphysics simulator in Softimage or the awesome “Molecular” in Blender to create realistic sand effect, snow, etc because actually it's not possible to do with this realism.

Lagoa : https://vimeo.com/13457383 [vimeo.com]

Molecular : http://www.3dvf.com/actualite-8249–neige-dans-blender-avec-molecular.html [3dvf.com]

Your updates are amazing Side Effects, Keep it up!

Best regards

Someone had made something simlar in Houdini but i couldn't find it :-/

I just have found these:

http://forums.odforce.net/topic/8471-eetus-lab/page-9?hl=lagoa#entry94209 [forums.odforce.net]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Dx8hwwWMe4 [youtube.com]
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Ability to leave comments to snapshots on Render Tab view. These comments should be saved inside a files if format permits it (exr, pic, tiff) after the snapshot is saved on disk.

Also, please allow to save all snapshots at once, similar to the workflow with rendering preview to mplay.
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RFE: Ability to create NURBS curves in VEX

Perhaps as follows:
addprim ( geoself ( ), “nurbscurve” );

I think open NURBS curves are far more common.
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
Get to the NEXT level in Houdini & VEX with Pragmatic VEX! [www.pragmatic-vfx.com]

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Idea : to be able to do 300 different rendering tweaks with snapshot to choose the third one ( to restore his parameters) at the end.

rendering_preview.jpg (405.8 KB)
rendering_tab.jpg (316.0 KB)

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Proper neat OpenGL 3+ viewport and OpenCL on OS X.
Fixing all the viewport selection rendering issues on OS X.
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sliverfx wrote:
Hello guys, It would be great to have a solver like “Lagoa” Multiphysics simulator in Softimage or the awesome “Molecular” in Blender to create realistic sand effect, snow, etc because actually it's not possible to do with this realism.

Lagoa : https://vimeo.com/13457383 [vimeo.com]

Molecular : http://www.3dvf.com/actualite-8249–neige-dans-blender-avec-molecular.html [3dvf.com]

Your updates are amazing Side Effects, Keep it up!

Best regards Smile

Someone had made something simlar in Houdini but i couldn't find it :-/

I just have found these:

http://forums.odforce.net/topic/8471-eetus-lab/page-9?hl=lagoa#entry94209 [forums.odforce.net]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Dx8hwwWMe4 [youtube.com]

Thank you mandrake0, I have seen thease great links The first “eetu's lab” have a file not very friendly to understand with the gas Dop and the second did a sand solver interesting but molecular or lagoa are a little bit more impressive and accurate.

It would be so usefull to have that in Houdini because actually it's impossible to simulate a realistic soil, sand, snow (like Frozen).

Have a good day guys
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sliverfx wrote:
The first “eetu's lab” have a file not very friendly to understand with the gas Dop and the second did a sand solver interesting but molecular or lagoa are a little bit more impressive and accurate.

It would be so usefull to have that in Houdini because actually it's impossible to simulate a realistic soil, sand, snow (like Frozen).

Btw, I've gotten it to work quite a bit better now, although clearly not up to Lagoa/Frozen standards. It's a modified FLIP solver, I'll make a proper post in the lab thread and explain it.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40756545/snowsand/snowsand01c.mov [dl.dropboxusercontent.com]

To get completely rid of the fluidy feel it would need a matter-point-method solver or something else more FEM-like - which would then be my chosen feature request for H14
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hey ! eetu I'm glad to see your reply.

Wow, your video is amazing ! Particles motion looks great !

I'm following your thread on odforce, I'm looking forward to see your new post.

I have seen that you used the Gas Intermittent Solve in your previous file (variable_viscosity_005), could you explain a little bit how it works on your thread ? I'm wondering if you know how Gas Sand Forces works ? Is it interesting to break fluid into a series of “rigid bodies”.
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Idea : Pin concept for windows which are generated by the node's RMB menu.
Edited by - 2014年3月6日 18:41:49

window_RMB_menu_node_network.jpg (349.7 KB)

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RFE: Copying a ramp parameter should copy all the points of the ramp

Otherwise you have to create all these points and then copy and paste each of them from one to the other by hand which takes a lot longer. Not only that you also have to make sure they are at the exact same positions.
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
Get to the NEXT level in Houdini & VEX with Pragmatic VEX! [www.pragmatic-vfx.com]

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RFE: Group menu buttons shouldn't list name attributes

If you click a group menu button without realizing this, then Houdini will either freeze for several minutes, or generate a UI event error eventually (forgot the actual name).

I submitted it non-specifically , but it applies to all Group menu parameters.

Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
Get to the NEXT level in Houdini & VEX with Pragmatic VEX! [www.pragmatic-vfx.com]

youtube.com/@pragmaticvfx | patreon.com/animatrix | pragmaticvfx.gumroad.com
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For 3d curve, spreadsheet with his parameter p is not very friendly and efficient to edit curve's curvature. It will be nice to be able to edit interactively the curve with his handles.
Edited by - 2014年3月6日 18:43:29

curve_handle.jpg (366.7 KB)

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