Is it too early for thinking of H14 now that xmas is just around the corner?

Here is my modest list:
Type-agnostic attribute syntax
@ syntax for arrays
Geometry inspection functions for points, edges, primitives (getedgesfrompoints, getprimitivesfrompoints, etc). The lack of these prevent VEX to be used in tons of new modeling tools
Direct topology modification functions (newpointonedge, splitedge, removeedge, insertpointonprimitive, etc)
Set data type like Python's Set type
Ability to call function based VOPs from VEX
Find, Contains methods for arrays
Array support for pcfilter and pcimport VEX functions
Operator overloading for structs and classes
Closest point on a surface (not an actual physical point in the geometry)
Ability to define vector3 literals when using variables (without the set function)
Mirror wrap mode for c/b/finput VEX functions
Array support
Shortcut to break input/outputs into floats (i.e. breaking P into a Vector to Float node, ready to be used)
All available wrap modes to be shown as a parameter in COP Input VOP
Array support for AttribWrangle SOP
Edge type for AttribWrangle SOP (Looping edges)
Proper edge to primitive conversion using the Group SOP
Geometry Wrangle SOP or the ability to use the AttribWrangle SOP without a null to create new geometry
Falloff SOP to generate a weight attribute based on falloff radius
Edge Loop and Ring SOPs
Ability to edit multiple points for the Curve SOP
Size detail attributes for bounding generator SOPs (width, height, radius, length, etc)
Ability to use any attribute as normals for Peak and Soft Peak SOP
Edge support for Foreach SOP
AttribMatch SOP
AttribCurveTransfer SOP (Attribute transfer by sampling along the curves)
Slide Edges SOP
Best Fit Plane SOP
Best Fit Line SOP
VOP-based non-linear deformers
Fuse Ends option for the Revolve SOP
Solver COP
Foreach COP
Pixel Shader COP
Wrangle Filter COP
Wrangle Generator COP
Ability to use masks for subnets/HDA COPs using the side input
Working cook timers for COPs
Signed random function
Expression to calculate point to point distance
Expression to return the group type similar to what Guess from Group does
rgb and hsv expressions to accept integers for component type
Python HOM:
hou.runVex to support string stream instead of just files on disk
Ability to secure HDAs (i.e. protecting all types of code within the asset)
More composable handle system, handles 2.0
Ability to setup multiple ramp parameters the same way as any other referenced parameters (Copy and Paste references)
Using float attributes everywhere instead of vectors, matrices
Copy pasting nodes should update channel references when pasted into a different nesting level
View Dependencies should list self-dependencies within its subnet separately
Ability to retarget dependencies without editing channel references by hand
Ability to use value ladder for menu parameters to cycle between options
Place New Nodes Immediately to work (Broken for years)
Viewport settings and desktop should not be part of the HIP file (Attributes shown in the viewport is fine to be saved inside the HIP file)
Ability to retain the default desktop on file open
Ability to restore 100% zoom level in the network editor
Drawing the cooking path of a network permanently so you can see which path Houdini took when cooking the last iteration
DOP nodes to be color coded (i.e. Gas microsolvers to be green, etc)
Group parameters that only support a single type to explicitly show it in their labels (i.e. Primitive Group, etc) to avoid being ambiguous
Gear icon to be shown differently when there are presets available
Shift click to select multiple nodes in the Operator Tree
Ability to jump to dependent nodes using the View Dependencies dialog
Ability to add new operator to selected operator using hotkeys without right clicking node output arrow (i.e. Shift+TAB instead of TAB)
Ability to toggle grid in the network editor via hotkey instead of cycling
Pasting literal values shouldn't toggle expression mode for parameters
Foreground highlight for last item used for open menu parameters
Disable When condition for Label parameters for visual cues
Floating parameters windows to automatically fit height to parameters
Square color palette for the network editor just like before (It's squeezed now)
I did notice about a dozen of my RFEs realized. Thanks for this, truly an effort that cannot be repaid.