How to bake point (not vertex) colors to a texture?

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Hello all,

I'm trying (unsuccessfully) to bake point colors to a texture. I have a grid with UVs and points scattered onto that grid. I've added color to the points using noise inside an Attribute Wrangle node. I want to bake those colors onto the grid's texture.

I tried using the GameDev tools baker, and assigning the grid to the Target mesh and the points to the Source mesh, but I get an error – “Error rendering child: /out/rop_games_baker1/pre_bake0”

I tried using the Bake Texture node. I am able to get a the points baked onto the grid's texture, but not the color. I only see them as white dots. I can vary the size of the dots by changing the pscale.

What can I do to get the colors to show in the renders?
Edited by fhouton - 2018年10月10日 19:11:26

render.jpg (354.1 KB)
gridandpoints.jpg (245.2 KB)
bakePointColor.hipnc (743.5 KB)

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I have the same problem. Does have someone any ideas?
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Joined: 7月 2019
A way to do it is by baking color with a render engine like Karma CPU. COPs-based maps baker only supports transferring texture color, not the component color of the high-poly model.
I'm attaching an example of baking points scattered on a 'Rubber Toy' onto a UV-unwrapped Rubber Toy model.
The example based on the hip from the post [] by pablo_lukaszewicz []:

texture.png (1.4 MB)
PointBaker.hiplc (506.1 KB)

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