Mac Pro, Metal & moving forward

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sure, have a read: []

We used one of Grant Petty's first boards in 2000. He's always been ‘excited and shocked’ with marketing opportunities

That as it may be, I still take a wait and see approach with this…if it reads them as one, it's a game changer. Stay bitter if you'd like, but I won't give up on this happening until we see it first hand.
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@callie_btw SideFx usually doesn't have marketing fluff, so I would say at this point there is no support.

BTW, is your renderfarm also Mac based? That would be almost unique in the industry.
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@callie_btw SideFx usually doesn't have marketing fluff, so I would say at this point there is no support.

BTW, is your renderfarm also Mac based? That would be almost unique in the industry.

Renderfarm? LMFAO! I work out of my small office studio in Northridge, we don't have a renderfarm. We've got a small network of 5 iMac Pro's and 4 Cheese Graters, that's it lol, but yeah, it's all Mac based. Gotta start a broadcast at 6. Have a great night.
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Renderfarm? LMFAO! I work out of my small office studio in Northridge, we don't have a renderfarm. We've got a small network of 5 iMac Pro's and 4 Cheese Graters, that's it lol, but yeah, it's all Mac based. Gotta start a broadcast at 6. Have a great night.

You should explore Linux/Windows based renderfarms - all facilities use them, from SPI to Weta. Not sure if they count as creative professionals though…
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Renderfarm? LMFAO! I work out of my small office studio in Northridge, we don't have a renderfarm. We've got a small network of 5 iMac Pro's and 4 Cheese Graters, that's it lol, but yeah, it's all Mac based. Gotta start a broadcast at 6. Have a great night.

You should explore Linux/Windows based renderfarms - all facilities use them, from SPI to Weta. Not sure if they count as creative professionals though…

Just finished streaming.

I would count them as creative professionals. You can learn a lot about this industry in here my friend. Just stick around, keep posting and asking questions. No question is a stupid question, always remember that. You'll catch on to which companies are which and eventually be able to identify companies like Weta as professionals <3 Good luck on your journey pal,
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Why isn't it possible for people to accept that others have different preferences and workflow needs than they do?

Why do discussions like these always have to degenerate into some form of penis measuring contests?

If you're a Windows/Linux/GooGooGaaGaa user and it works for your needs – more power to you.

If one has no need for OSX or OSX exclusive apps, if you don't really care about Apple esthetic or hardware – fantastic.

But if one feels the need to remind the rest of us ad nauseam how much better off we'd be to dump OSX in favor of whatever they use, with the explicit implication that we're somehow stupid for continuing to buy and use Apple hardware – then you need to get a life!
Edited by Midphase - 2019年12月6日 12:22:08
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Why isn't it possible for people to accept that others have different preferences and workflow needs than they do?

Why do discussions like these always have to degenerate into some form of penis measuring contests?

If you're a Windows/Linux/GooGooGaaGaa user and it works for your needs – more power to you.

If one has no need for OSX or OSX exclusive apps, if you don't really care about Apple esthetic or hardware – fantastic.

But if one feels the need to remind the rest of us ad nauseam how much better off we'd be to dump OSX in favor of whatever they use, with the explicit implication that we're somehow stupid for continuing to buy and use Apple hardware – then you need to get a life!

Couldn't have said it any better myself. It really is something these folks around here
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explicit implication that we're somehow stupid for continuing to buy and use Apple hardware

I don't see it that way…what I do see is the questioning and attempt to clarify the merits or not and the reasons thereof for making the choices described.
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explicit implication that we're somehow stupid for continuing to buy and use Apple hardware

Where exactly that has been implied in this thread? Can not find it, can you quote it?
Edited by SreckoM - 2019年12月6日 14:45:15
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I admire the engineering on Apple machines (including the old trash cans), but if you're an indie artist I think you would have to really really like MacOS, and/or really really hate Windows to justify getting into these new mac pros. I mean, $6,000 for an entry level workstation, come on…
And I would question Apple's seriousness about the 3D space, with them deprecating support for the most widely used APIs in the industry. Likewise I think goat hit the nail on the head here [], and industry support for Apple's pro efforts is largely lip-service.
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If one has no need for OSX or OSX exclusive apps, if you don't really care about Apple esthetic or hardware – fantastic.

As we are on a Houdini forum, we are interested in how Houdini performs on the hardware/OS configuration. Other apps are not relevant to discussions here. It's up to each user to assess their needs and not require validation.
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If one has no need for OSX or OSX exclusive apps, if you don't really care about Apple esthetic or hardware – fantastic.

As we are on a Houdini forum, we are interested in how Houdini performs on the hardware/OS configuration. Other apps are not relevant to discussions here. It's up to each user to assess their needs and not require validation.

The problem with saying this though is that Houdini is NOT YET USABLE ON THE NEW MAC PRO since it isn't even out yet, so maybe we should reserve judgement until the new system and the optimized version of Houdini for said system are released yeah? Otherwise it's largely just masturbatory PC lip-service.
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I admire the engineering on Apple machines (including the old trash cans), but if you're an indie artist I think you would have to really really like MacOS, and/or really really hate Windows to justify getting into these new mac pros. I mean, $6,000 for an entry level workstation, come on…
And I would question Apple's seriousness about the 3D space, with them deprecating support for the most widely used APIs in the industry. Likewise I think goat hit the nail on the head here [], and industry support for Apple's pro efforts is largely lip-service.

Problem is you are assuming indie artists are coming in at the $6,000 level…“that system by the way is obviously meant for music composers and coders…people who largely don't need heavy graphical power”…I myself have around $17,000 saved up for it, and I am a one man band with a team of 4 or 5 that hop in largely based on if I tell them I need them or not “and how much of the budget spend I want to trickle down if I can handle the insanity of the workload on my own lol”.

I'm fairly certain by the time I get one in mid to end January I'll be throwing $20k at it and I think it'll be a decent little monster around that price point.
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The problem with saying this though is that Houdini is NOT YET USABLE ON THE NEW MAC PRO since it isn't even out yet, so maybe we should reserve judgement until the new system and the optimized version of Houdini for said system are released yeah? Otherwise it's largely just masturbatory PC lip-service.

Can you expand on what is special about the new mac pro in regards to Houdini? It's just another Macintosh, that will have all the same issues that the current line up has.
Edited by anon_user_37409885 - 2019年12月6日 19:18:57
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The problem with saying this though is that Houdini is NOT YET USABLE ON THE NEW MAC PRO since it isn't even out yet, so maybe we should reserve judgement until the new system and the optimized version of Houdini for said system are released yeah? Otherwise it's largely just masturbatory PC lip-service.

Can you expand on what is special about the new mac pro in regards to Houdini? It's just another Macintosh, that will have all the same issues that the current line up has.

Just another Mac with the most powerful GPU on earth…but yes, let's act like this wouldn't be a godsend if SideFX has Houdini optimized for it and it turns out the GPUs read as one to the software. At this point it is clear that you really are only interested in bashing Mac and not in exploring the possibilities of how this thing might push the community forward so, I bid you adieu kiddo. Take care.
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Just another Mac with the most powerful GPU on earth…but yes, let's act like this wouldn't be a godsend if SideFX has Houdini optimized for it and it turns out the GPUs read as one to the software. At this point it is clear that you really are only interested in bashing Mac and not in exploring the possibilities of how this thing might push the community forward so, I bid you adieu kiddo. Take care.

That's quite curious as Houdini uses the GPU but it's still not so universal as to truely affect the whole of the software. What part of Houdini do you use the GPU for?
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Just another Mac with the most powerful GPU on earth…but yes, let's act like this wouldn't be a godsend if SideFX has Houdini optimized for it and it turns out the GPUs read as one to the software. At this point it is clear that you really are only interested in bashing Mac and not in exploring the possibilities of how this thing might push the community forward so, I bid you adieu kiddo. Take care.

That's quite curious as Houdini uses the GPU but it's still not so universal as to truely affect the whole of the software. What part of Houdini do you use the GPU for?

Vellum and Pyro FX simulations, I'm about to broadcast so gotta go, but it's not so curious, the fact is GPU offload for any graphical calculations and simulations is going to dramatically increase workflow in literally all graphical software. But how about we do this. What do you use Houdini for? What studio do you work at? Are you an indie artist? What is your website so I can evaluate your work? How long have you been using Houdini? Do you only run Houdini? Have you ever ran Houdini on a Mac? What studio are you currently working out of? Are you a freelancer? Do you believe Houdini would be better if it only used CPU? Answer these questions for me bud. I gotta get to my broadcast. I'll check for your answers tonight or tomorrow.
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Vellum and Pyro FX simulations, I'm about to broadcast so gotta go, but it's not so curious, the fact is GPU offload for any graphical calculations and simulations is going to dramatically increase workflow in literally all graphical software.

That only true for non-complex work. Delivering and receiving work from the CPU-GPU requires setup and transfer time of which Houdini excels at.
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If you want to stay with OSX than you already answered your own question. Just you have to prepare yourself for wait. Some developers will support Metal directly some will not. No one can give you exact date. Prepare for wait and uncertainty. That is going to be long process (stretched over several years). I had same doubt when trashcan was out, and back than decided to switch to Win/Linux and it proved to be right move. It had great GPUs back than but it was outperformed by 2x cheaper Nvidia cards pretty quickly. Only one render engine was using their full power, and when that engine arrived those card were already outdated. I do not consider switching back to OSX anymore.

If you want to squeeze most $ from your investment, want it right away, PCs are, especially with new Ryzen CPUs, better choice.

All this is related to 3D and Houdini, if you want talk about broadcast industry than you are on wrong forum.
Edited by SreckoM - 2019年12月7日 04:57:03
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