I feel that the PIXAR's USD document hard to understand..

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I'm working on a project that wishes to improve usd workflow between DCCs and Unreal.
I kinda get a sense of how solaris handels scene layout, material assigning and lighting.
However when I start researching on translating materials together with geometry and bringing them into game engine, I feel that I'm completely lost.
I don't know where to begin with..

The solaris and USD pipeline tutorials recommend Pixar's USD documentation,
https://graphics.pixar.com/usd/release/glossary.html [graphics.pixar.com]
but when I click in I start to realize that this document is kinda thick..
It does not match my memory of how Houdini describe things like object network, vertex attribute/prim attribute/details attribute, subnetworks...
(Our project's target: Bring in meshes, including meshes with baked vertex animation from any DCC into game engines such as Unreal with correct shaders, via USD file. We also want to make sure that the tool will be very easy to understand that a non-professional can use it after a brief intro. However now it seems that the tool designer(me) has already bain.exe stopped working..)

Have your studio moves to a full Karma/USD pipeline?
Edited by goose7 - 2022年11月9日 04:38:37
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USD terminology is definitely different than Houdini terminology. And the glossary, while authoritative, may not be the best place to start. But there are lots of other resource for learning USD:
- https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/solaris/usd.html [www.sidefx.com]
- https://wiki.aswf.io/display/WGUSD/USD+Resources [wiki.aswf.io] (which is a link to other links)
- Other pages near the glossary (https://graphics.pixar.com/usd/release/intro.html [graphics.pixar.com] and https://graphics.pixar.com/usd/release/tut_usd_tutorials.html)

And of course if you have specific questions, there is the usd-interest google group, or this forum. Hope that helps!
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USD terminology is definitely different than Houdini terminology. And the glossary, while authoritative, may not be the best place to start. But there are lots of other resource for learning USD:
- https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/solaris/usd.html [www.sidefx.com]
- https://wiki.aswf.io/display/WGUSD/USD+Resources [wiki.aswf.io] (which is a link to other links)
- Other pages near the glossary (https://graphics.pixar.com/usd/release/intro.html [graphics.pixar.com] and https://graphics.pixar.com/usd/release/tut_usd_tutorials.html)

And of course if you have specific questions, there is the usd-interest google group, or this forum. Hope that helps!
Ah thanks I really need that wiki, reading that glossary is like sinking into the bottom of the ocean to me.
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