Brian Townsend


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Cake Frosting Nov. 16, 2020, 12:29 p.m.

I've been messing with a couple different ways to simulate something like in the image. I need an animation of that being scooped out of a can. I've tried things with vellum grains and with viscous flip but I haven't been able to get what I'm looking for. I need the result to be able to be sticky and hold its shape unless it's interacted with another object. Wondering if anyone out there has some suggestions for this? Thanks!


Eroding layers - time offsets in for loops March 6, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

This is great, thank you Tomas! Appreciate you taking the time to post that example.


Eroding layers - time offsets in for loops March 6, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

I'm trying to erode away geometry by removing layers sequentially. I want the layers to appear terraced like in the attached reference. I was thinking I could copy the geometry multiple times and uniformly reduce it's scale for each copy. From there, I've tried adding a boolean inside a for each node by piece. That does what I need as far as performing the boolean operation on each piece individually, but I need to be able to offset the timing of each layer to get the terraced look. I've added a time offset node in the for each loop, but it does the offset to the animation as a whole instead of per iteration. I imagine I need to multiply the offset value by the iteration number, but not sure how. Wondering if anyone has any suggestions for achieving this? HIP file attached. Thank you!
