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Color points by proximity/density? Jan. 5, 2019, 5:51 p.m.

for any one looking at this post in 2019 just put this piece of vex code in a point wrangle its much more efficient.

int pc = pcfind(0,'P',@P,ch('maxdist'),ch('maxpt'));
@Cd = float(len(pc))/ch('maxpt');

explanation on how the code works:
pcfind generates an array with the maximum size of maxpt
len counts how many items there are in the array and divides it by maxpt to get a 0-1 value the float conversion is there as len returns an int and if its not converted the division would return an int giving us a binary 0 or 1 value.

To visualCortexLab if you ever read this thankyou for the inspiration on how to do this.

i dont know if its only for me but the website isent showing the square brakets that are after int pc“square brakets here”

Renderman Denoiser March 26, 2017, 3:25 a.m.

i know its late but after hacking at it for a long time for anyone reading this in search here is a cmd script that you just place in to a folder and it will denoise it for you if you want to add flags just open it and place them as usual after the “DO denoise” statement