Terry Gu


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The dividable output of For-Loop with Feedback Aug. 20, 2019, 9:23 a.m.


I am trying to create an HDA consisting of many object nodes and every object node(geo) is part of the whole one. In my plan, there is a “For-Loop with Feedback” at the geo-level. And for every loop, the output is supposed to be at the obj-level, which means the output of every loop is dividable at the obj-level. The only way I can think of is to use a Python node in the loop to create a ObjectMerge node at the geo of every object. But I got the wrong result that every object is the same since the parm “objpath1” of ObjectMerge is the same as well. (Note: the Block Begin node is set to “Fetch piece or point”)
How can I fix it up or there exists a better way? Please tell me.


HDA editable Node can't work? Aug. 12, 2019, 9:34 a.m.


I am trying to create an HDA about automatically generating roads according to an OSM file. Now I have created a new asset in Python as a geometry to load an OSM file. And the output is some primitives consisting of many points. The subsequent part is to generate roads with the outputted primitives. Now the subsequent part is done. And I want to change the points' position from the first asset in UE4. I add the asset as an editable node. But it doesn't work. How can I realize it?
