jack halsey

jack halsey

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cant install still! hkey.exe has generated errors May 19, 2003, 6:39 p.m.

I would like to learn houdini so I installed the newest version 6 so I can learn at 3d buzz. I have no other trouble with other 3d software but when I try to enter a license I get hkey.exe has generated errors and will be closed….

Here is the license server info.

Please advise and thank you.

Generated on: Mon May 19 15:35:33 2003
Local host name: OEM-JEH175DFZ5X
Local server code: 27a2af83
Local ip address:
License server name: oem-jeh175dfz5x
License server server code: 27a2af83
Server ip address:
License server is running: Yes
Has SERVER license: No
License server version: 6.0.286
May modify server from this machine: Yes
License Administrator version: 6.0.286
Http proxy host: (none)
Using standalone mode: Yes
Can retrieve http://license.sidefx.com/index.php: [license.sidefx.com] Yes

Installed licenses:
LicID Platform Product Ver Avail Expiry
—– ——– ——- — —– ——

sesictrl -i output:
—– SERVER oem-jeh175dfz5x ——–

*** WARNING *** - No valid server lines found

hserver -l output:
Hostname: OEM-JEH175DFZ5X
Uptime: 0:57:01
License Server: oem-jeh175dfz5x
Server Version: sesinetd6.0.286
Version: Houdini6.0.286
ReadAccess: +.+.+.*
WriteAccess: +.+.+.*

772 of 1023 Mb available
CPU Usage: 68% load
0 active tasks (1 slots)

* Could not open the licenses file. *