This is the MUST HAVE for anyone using Python in Houdini.In this extensive and intensive course you'll learn years and years of accumulated knowledge experience and experimentation using Python with Houdini.
This course is amazing, this is the course I wish I had when I started doing Python in Houdini and full of everything you need to know to really Master Python in Houdini.
The Material included in this course has taken years and years of development, experimentation and research and I'm not afraid to say this is the most COMPLETE Python course in Houdini ever made.
This course is great for Pipeline development, Tools development, Custom UI development even geometry creation.
Python is so well integrated in Houdini that there is a lot you can do to customize it and make it work for you, that plus the knowledge in this course and there is really nothing you can do.
ThomasSpaceflower 5 years, 8 months ago |
Watched it at Patreon.
Good tutorial, awesome discord support! Totally worth it!
Well done :)
(Same with Nature of VEX)
varomix 5 years, 8 months ago |
Thank you, yes is a really awesome training. there's nothing like it out there
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