This is a tutorial on how to build a procedural cartoon house in Houdini and how to export it as a digital asset for Unity (It can also apply for Unreal).

Softwares you will need :

  • Houdini 16.5+ (you need a paid license to use the Houdini Engine)
  • Unity 2017+

Here is what we will learn in this tutorial

  • First we will see how to install and use the Houdini Engine for Unity
  • We will begin to build our house with simple box
  • We will create input to replace all the boxes by real asset in Unity
  • We will create procedural UVs and assign Unity materials
  • And we will add even more details to the house

To follow this tutorial you'll need to be familiar with Houdini interface.

You will have access the video tutorial (120mins length), the HDA File and a custom package for Unity with the same 3D files used in the tutorial.

If you do not own a paid license of Houdini you can still follow this tutorial : you will create a procedural house in Houdini that you can export as geometry in a game engine of your choice.


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