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Learn how to make use of the Tile Pattern COP node in various ways to create a range of tile-based effects. You will learn how to add detail and variation on a per-tile basis by using the per-tile UVs that are generated by the Tile Pattern node, how to isolate particular features of a tile pattern based on area, how to create useful masks for layering, and how to work with your own custom UVs for more advanced texture sampling.



Visual Effects artist for over 6 years and Houdini tutorial content creator. Co-founder of Nine Between, a South African Visual Effects Studio. Currently based in Johannesburg, South Africa.

More from Moeen Sayed


  • LukeP 6 months ago  | 

    Love it! Amazing!
    Please please do a set for rigging and animation and MPM solver :-)

  • LukeP 6 months ago  | 

    Oh and thank you for including the project files.

  • peternicolai 6 months ago  | 

    Great series to get up and running. I do have a question. When I am testing warping uvs, I'm feeding a basic noise into the distort node on the uvs, I feel like I am seeing a seam from the original UV border. Given the tiling noises etc, I'd assume it shouldn't be doing that. I'm trying various ways to remove it, but so far only mirroring seems to help. Is this user error on my part or simply how the system works in its very new state? Great stuff regardless! Thank you!

    • Moeen 6 months ago  | 

      Hi, firstly, thank you for the kind words! The seam may be the result of the texture which is being sampled. I know that the edges of the tile pattern image weren't giving me clean repitition and I think it's because the lines are thinner towards the edges of the image. I'm sure there's a workaround, I'll take a look into it and get back to you asap.

  • maitlandvt 5 months, 3 weeks ago  | 

    always with the good good! how the heck do you know everything about houdini in 4 years? thats prodigy status

  • WinterLightDP 4 months, 1 week ago  | 

    Great tutorial series as usual!

    Where is the Houdini Academy discord? You mentioned it a few times, but it does not appear to exist anywhere.

  • sboris 3 months, 3 weeks ago  | 

    Great series for HDA Template.

  • missmarples 3 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

    is this a good approach for game dev?

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