This video covers Packed Primitives in Houdini 13 and their usage in Instancing. This video is a more detailed explanation of a topic that is covered in brief in the Floating Islands training series.

Packed Primitives are a new form of geometry type that was introduced in Houdini 13. You can think of them as proxies. This video covers the various ways in which you can create them and use them for large scale instancing.



Rohan has always been interested in film and animation which led him to life as a 3D artist. He was also passionate about teaching so he started his own “Institute for Advanced Animation.” He primarily concentrated on teaching software skills while working on design visualization, motion graphics, industrial animations and also some medical renderings. He then stumbled upon Houdini and the rest is history as his many Houdini tutorials have helped artists from around the world get into the world of proceduralism.

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