Houdini 20.0 Nodes Geometry nodes

APEX Autorig Component geometry node

Procedurally adds an autorig component to an APEX rig

On this page
Since 20.0
This feature is still under development. The current functionality is unfinished and subject to change, and may have thin or no documentation. Please bear this in mind when using it.

This node procedurally augments an APEX character and most commonly an APEX rig using autorig components. Rig components are either pre-built components shipped with Houdini, or you can create your own components to be reused in different rigs.



Component Source

Choose of the list of current available autorig components. When “Use Second Input” is selected, then the autorig compont script from the second input is used instead.

Component File

The file path of the autorig component being used. This parameter is automatically populated when using the Component Source menu.

Component Output File

When Component Source is set to “Use Second Input”, this specifies an output file path for Save to Disk.

Save to Disk

Saves the component rig script to Component Output File. Updates to the layout of your component parameters on your current node will be stored as metadata on the given component script geometry as well. The current parameter values of the SOP node will be used as default parm values for the component stored component script. NOTE

If you store the component script under $HIP/apexcomponents/, or $HIP/apexcomponents/ or $HOME/apexcomponents/ it will be automatically picked up by the dropdown of Component Source making it easy for entry level users to use components without being exposed to the graph directly.


Rig Source

Operation to perform should a rig element of the character be added or modified.

Add or Update

Add/update the rig in the packed folder input geometry specified by Name. If no rig exists, one will be created if possible.

From Input

This will pick up the behavior defined from an upstream APEX Autorig Component node.

Add or Replace

Add/replace the rig into the packed folder input geometry specified by Name.


Name of the packed folder primitive from the input geometry that we want to define as the current rig to operate on.


Parm Source

Source of settings to use for the component script input parameters.


Use the parameters from this node.


Use the parms dictionary from another SOP node’s Path and Attribute Name.


Path to a SOP node to use for the Parm Source.

Attribute Name

Name of a dictionary attribute to use for the Parm Source.

Component Parameters

This section contains parameters specific to the current autorig component being used. Depending on the component source that section of the parameter inferface will change. The parameters are derived from the parameter inputs of the component script graph. So the Autorig Component serves as a interfaced to configure component script inputs.

Reset Animation Parms

Clear all component setting parameters in this section.

Reload Setup Parms

Update the parameters in this section to the current component. This is especially helpful should the parameters of the input component script have changed.



The APEX Character geometry to modify.


The geometry containing an APEX graph to invoke for the component. Changes to the parameter layout of the component parameter get stored as metadat in the attribute parmoptions



The modified APEX Character geometry.


For convenience, the component’s APEX graph that was invoked, including the metadata containing basic information about the parameter layout of the component stored in the detail attribute parmoptions

See also

Geometry nodes