Houdini 20.0 Nodes Geometry nodes

Labs Cable Generator 2.0 geometry node

Creates and simulates cables based on curve or geometry input.

On this page

This SOP generates connecting cables and subcables from an input curve or input geometry. The tool includes options for simulating gravity, interacting with colliders, cable detangling, and auto UV generation.


Input Type

Input type is a curve or geometry.

Curve: Input type is a curve.

Connect Surfaces: Generated cables connect disconnected geometry pieces.

Through Geometry: Generated cables pass through disconnected geometry pieces.

Surface Settings

Connection Distance

Maximum distance to search for a connection.

Cable Density

Density of generated cables.

Merge Cable Ends

Merge cable ends to a single point.

Main Curve Settings

Number of Main Cables

Number of cables to generate.

Treat Polygons As

Choose curve type for meshing. See Resample for more information.


Amount to space out curves from each other.

Spacing Variation

Add random variation to spacing.

Spacing Offset Seed

Random variation seed.

Through Geometry

Number of Main Cables

Number of cables to generate.

Treat Curves As

Choose curve type for meshing. See Resample for more information.

Main Cable Settings

Main Radius

Base radius of main cables.

Random Scale

Enables random radius variation.

Min Scale

Minimum scale of cable radius.

Max Scale

Maximum scale of cable radius.


Random scale seed.


Resolution along the length of the cables.


Resolution around the circumference of the cables.

Add Ends

Add cap geometry to ends of cables.


Simulation Type

None: No cable simulation.

Pseudo Gravity: Applies a random gravity-like effect to cables.

Wire Simulation: Cables are processed through a Vellum (cloth) solver.

Psuedo Gravity


Minimum amount of gravity effect applied to cables.


Maximum amount of gravity effect applied to cables.


Random variation in gravity effect seed.

Gravity Multiplier

Gravity effect multiplier.

Wire Simulation

Reset Simulation

When adjusting simulation settings or turning pre-simulation cables on or off, it may be necessary to resimulate the cables for changes to take place.

Simulate Main Cable

Turn on to simulate main and sub cables. Turn off to only simulate subcables while main cables remain static.


Number of frames to run the simulation.

Cable Stretch

Increases or decreases the stretchiness of the cables.

Add Random Stretch

Adds random variation to cable stretchiness.


Each frame is broken into this number of substeps. A higher number of substeps produces more accurate results.


Increases or decreases cable friction.

Sub Cables


Turn on minor cables that are automatically generated around main cables.

Number of Sub Cables

Number of subcables to generate.

Sub Radius

Base radius of subcables.

Random Scale

Enables random radius variation.

Min Scale

Minimum scale of subcable radius.

Max Scale

Maximum scale of subcable radius.


Random scale seed.


Amount that subcables will lengthen and reach past the main cables.


Amount subcables will twist around main cables.


Resolution along the length of the cables.


Resolution around the circumference of the cables.

Treat Polygons As

Choose curve type for meshing. See Resample for more information.

Add Pre Simulation

Add subcables before the simulation step. Generated subcables are affected by the simulation process.

Add Post Simulation

Add subcables after the simulation step.



Turn on SOP-based detangling of main cables and subcables.

Resolve Collision Clipping

Detangling can move cables past the borders of colliders. Turn on to resolve geometry clipped with colliders.

Detangle Options

Main and Sub Cables: Detangles main cables and subcables together.

Sub Cables Only: Only detangles subcables. Main cables will remain static.


Number of iterations for detangle operation.

Smooth Amount

Amount to smooth cables after detangle operation.


Enable Vertex Color

Stores values in the RGB channels of each vertex. #id: colors

Red: Random value.

Green: The weight of a cable’s winding.

Blue: Ambient occlusion.



The scale modifier applied to the generated UVs.


The offset modifier applied to the generated UVs.


See also

Geometry nodes