Distored FlipBook

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Hello! I'm setting up my camera sequences for a shatter effect I'm doing. Long story short I have a flipbook preview of my camera and it comes out looking distorted in the video height. Both the camera and the flipbook are set at 1920x1080 but it still looks different than in the view port.

Any thoughts?

I've attached an image with this so you can see what I mean.

distortion.PNG (555.8 KB)

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Have you scaled your camera ?

Gone fishing
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I don't think my camera has any weird scaling issues. Attached my cam settings in case I'm just missing it?

CameraSettings.png (330.1 KB)

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I find if the flipbook resolution is ticked on and even if I match the resolution with the camera I still get a distorted image.

When I turn off the FlipBook resolution, I get the expected results.
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Oh wow yeah that ended up being the case, BabaJ! That's pretty strange to me. I wonder what the reason for that is…
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probably because Crop Out View Mask Overlay was off?

if it's off the captured resolution may be taller as it includes overlay, if then that gets reformated to enforce the resolution it gets squashed

so Turn it on for sure if you want to keep the camera aspect
but you don't have to enforce the resolution as flipbook will just do postscale, which you can do on your own anyway so it's better to keep pixels as they were captured 1:1
Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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