Houdini 6.1.208 in Windows 2000?

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I've tried various Houdini 6.x.xxx releases, but none have worked so far under Windows 2000.

I really don't know why it won't work.

  • Intel Pentium IV 2.53GHz
  • 512MB (DDR) RAM
  • nVidia GeForce4 Go420 (with latest drivers)
  • Windows 2000 (with SP6 and all other updates)
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By the way, Houdini 6.1.208 does work in Linux (RH8). Since I have Windows 2000/Linux dual-boot.
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I used every version of Houdini from 6-6.1.200 on windows 200 fine for the most part. They were prone to crashing but they worked.

I only had SP4 installed though so perhaps something in SP5 or 6 is causing trouble.
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Does anyone else have this problem too? Or am I alone?
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I'm afraid you are. It's likely related to the graphics card/drivers.

John Coldrick
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In Linux Houdini 6.x.xxx releases work just fine, except for Win2K
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I'm using 6.1.114 (still…) with Windows 2000 SP6 latest updates. Everything works, but is prone to crashing under stress. I've had problems with previous releases and Windows environment variables when Houdini is installed in a path with spaces, so if you're playing with environment variables you might want to check that. It very well may be a video card/driver conflict, but in my experience this usually results in Houdini starting up properly, but then not refreshing the panes or refreshing them improperly or slowly. This is the problem I have with my ATI FireGL 8800 under Redhat 7.3, and I've tweaked all the environment variables…
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I always install Houdini to: C:\Houdini_x.x.xxx directories, in Win2K ofcourse. I hardly use spaces in directories (habit I got of using Linux I guess).

I have all the new drivers for everything, including my videocard. Maybe I should add the “double buffer” environment variable? Hmmm, I forgot it though.
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I just had the problem that Houdini was crashing when i minimized the Houdini Window in Win2k. After an upgrade to 6.1.258 brought no improvement on this i got the tip to try an older Nvidia Detonator Driver (i used the newest from the nvidia site before).
So i downloaded this one and installed it:
http://www.nvidia.com/object/winxp-2k_45.23.html [nvidia.com]

Its running flawlessly now. So, if you experience crashes try a update of Houdini if possible (this solved my VEX Super Material crash) and if that doesn't help just try out the mentioned driver.


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Bj0ern, I'll check it out. Thanks for the advice

Noone has been able to hlep me here so far. I really appreciate it! I'll tell you if I manage to get it to work.
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Okay, this is pretty bad… It didn't work Bj0ern…

I'm also starting to doubt it's all because of the videocard (driver). Because Houdini always starts up runs for a while even but after that crashes and won't be able to startup again until I reboot.

Any other suggestions?
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I had the same problem with 5.x and 6.x! Dont laugh - try this:

As an administrator, right-click on My Computer, and then go to
Properties. Under the Hardware tab, open up the Device Manager. Under
“Sound, video, and game controllers”, right-click on the Audio driver
and choose the disable option. Verify that the driver is disabled by
playing some sound. Now try loading Houdini.

Maybe it helps! Special thanks to Marc Horsfield - he gave me this hint for my old box …

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Sounds like a plan, thanks for the tip! I've never had any trouble with Houdini 5.0.xxx or 5.5.xxx, though. Plus, too bad I won't be able to use CHOPs for audio editing… Better than nothing

Again, thanks! I'll let you know wheter it worked for me.
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Disabling the audiodriver didn't do the trick.
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Maybe it's related to SP6. For example I heard that 3ds max files became corrupted when they were run on win2k with sp6 installed. If you have the hd space you could make another partition and install another win2k without any service packs and try running that. If that doesn't work, try running really old Detonator drivers. For the longest time I was using 12.90 on my GF2 and it worked very well.
Just throwing some ideas out there. :?
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3dsmax works fine, same goes for the 3ds fileformat. I've also tried old(er) Detonator drivers, but didn't work/improve much either… as far as I can recall.

I might consider installing WinXP. I hope that won't give me trouble and/or slow things down. Because aside the fact that Houdini 6.x.xxx won't work properly for me, everything works exceptionally well. Afterall, it's a Micro$oft product

For the time being I'm still using Houdini 5.5.230 in Win2K and 6.1.299 in Linux
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No problems here running 6.1.208 on Windows 2000. This is with a GeForce3 card and a Wildcat. I am pretty sure I have all the latest drivers/updates.

Just thought I'd chime in.

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I wish it'd work for me, oh well.
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ive just started using houdini, and at first it seemed quiet stable, but the minute i started sending stuff from my sops to chops and back again, and basically cooking any large networks, i started pulling my hair out. this is with version 6.1.208 under win 2000 - AMD 1800.

however i ran the exact same simulation under a XP box P4 and it was much more stable.
although i did pick up the occasional error, it was atleast workable.

having said this, i was wondering what is a good box to run houdini?
linux vs windows
and AMD vs intel
screen card?

and finally, on the ideal box, is it stable?

cause just with my very minimal exposure to this wonderful package
im definately thinking of moving from maya to houdini, the only reason why i wouldnt is houdini's stablility, and i wanna know if thats with my configuration or the package.

can anyone comment on that :-)

thanks all
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