Template Flag - Display as solid, not wireframe?

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Is it possible to have a node with he the template flag selected display as a solid instead of a wireframe?

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As far as I know it's not possible.

Not sure exactly what your trying to do, but I do understand the need to have more control over what you see in your viewport.

But if you want your template flag to display as solid, why not just use the the display flag?

Of course mentioning that your using the template flag to me suggests you also have other objects you want to display but in a network only one node can be displayed at a time.

If this is the case, maybe use a merge node for all the objects you want displayed as solids and just put the display flag on that.

Maybe you can make use of something I needed to do recently;

I had I created two viewports and put the “Cook” parameter control to Manual.

I then set the flags on nodes I wanted visible and moused over the viewport in an empty section and clicked; That viewport updated to the current flag settings.

I then did a different set of node flags and moused over the other viewport and again clicked over an emtpy section to get it to update to the current settings. The other viewport didn't update so I now had to seperate views/settings that I could compare in a way I wanted.

The other option is to do a merge node and flag that instead of template…because if template allows you to do solid then you are basically creating a regular display flag, right? And why would one want to do that unless there is also
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just Ctrl+Click your template flag to get what's called Selectable Template, which is shaded solid if your viewport is
Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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Cool…thanks Tomas
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You actually have full control over this in the display options (hit ‘d’ in viewport). Tweak the settings in “Set display options for”, “Use” and “Draw”.

displayOptions.png (17.3 KB)

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You actually have full control over this in the display options (hit ‘d’ in viewport). Tweak the settings in “Set display options for”, “Use” and “Draw”.

That's great DaJuice! Thank you, this is very useful, sometimes it's easier for me to visualize when I can see everything without having to constantly click on a merge sop.
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just Ctrl+Click your template flag to get what's called Selectable Template, which is shaded solid if your viewport is

Oh, I like this too! Good stuff!
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Id like that too to have template that's solid but not selectable, how could i do that?

My problem is when use the topobuild node, my points are unselectable behind objects, even though it displays the point itself. Whenever i set the template or any display to solid it blocks selection. Only way i found to counter this to have all additional geo in another object node set to ghost other objects and then set ghosting to solid. But must have been a better way to this so can do it in same obj node.
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thank you very much ! I was looking for this feature for so looooooooooong !!!
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Id like that too to have template that's solid but not selectable, how could i do that?

My problem is when use the topobuild node, my points are unselectable behind objects, even though it displays the point itself. Whenever i set the template or any display to solid it blocks selection. Only way i found to counter this to have all additional geo in another object node set to ghost other objects and then set ghosting to solid. But must have been a better way to this so can do it in same obj node.

This is the same exact issue I've encountered. I was struggling to find a "workable" way. And I exactly found this :
1-Display Options on viewport (D)
2-Set Display option for "template model geometry"
3-Under Draw column : select "smooth shaded" or "flat shaded", depending on what you prefer
4-Under Draw column : activate : Lock shading mode / Ghosted / allow lighting (any other option is not necessary)
5-Set node of the object reference to "Selectable template" on the template flag

While the Display Options is interactive, you can test the result without closing this windows. When you get the right parameters, it's ok !

It would be great if the TopoBuild node automatically set those settings for us when we use it, and provides an option to use custom settings if wanted.
Edited by Pacman972 - June 22, 2021 14:05:51
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