Change viewport settings of single view

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Coming from SI changing the visibility of specific objects or component types for individual view-ports used to be basic stuff. But it seems those days are over now.

I looked it up in the manual and it says :
Disable “apply operation to all split views”, and then hit the N key over a view-port ( but you can select this function in the drop-down menu at the top if found out ) and then disable or enable a view-port setting like the visibility of lights for instance.

Buy unfortunately none of the above seems to work, no matter what I do or which preference I change, any view-port change I make is applied to all view-ports.

Also what I find very strange is that I get no visual feedback whatsoever if a view-port is selected or not. Nothing happens if I hit “N” or activate “Select Viewport” in the drop-down menu.

btw, what a strangely convoluted way to adjust individual view-port settings. Feels like someone at SideFX prefers to create puzzles over implementing simple solutions ;-)
What's wrong with a simple drop-down menu with settings for each view-port ?

Using v 17.5.258

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This first impression with Houdini is shared by most, if not all, xsi boat jumpers.
There are many things left untouched from a decade plus ago, but there have been improvements in the last versions and the best way to keep seeing improvements is by filing RFEs. I think it's worth repeating this.
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Thanks. Yes, seems like some things definitely need some touching.
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“Spacebar-n” while hovering over a viewport will put your focus on that viewport. If you are in the View tool then you only need “n”

In the bottom right of the Scene view panel, you can click on the button with four squares - if all four are highlighted then view options will affect all four - if only one is highlighted then the viewport with the focus gets the option changes.
Edited by rmagee - June 17, 2019 17:55:02

display_button.jpg (7.1 KB)

Robert Magee
Senior Product Marketing Manager
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Thanks Robert.

I’m starting to notice Houdini is extremely “compartmentalized” if that is the right word.

Different hotkeys depending on what tool you’re in. Having to select an item in one view, then hitting enter while hovering the mouse pointer over another view to Accept the selection.

A tree view where you can only single select and rename items, not multi select or delete them. That is something you can only do in the network view, that also has a tree view mode you have use for certain actions etc.

I suppose I’m spoiled by Softimage, but there’s lots of room for improvement here in my opinion.

So far my little rant, I’m probably not the first one to notice this ;-)
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“Spacebar-n” while hovering over a viewport will put your focus on that viewport. If you are in the View tool then you only need “n”

In the bottom right of the Scene view panel, you can click on the button with four squares - if all four are highlighted then view options will affect all four - if only one is highlighted then the viewport with the focus gets the option changes.

Thanks for the info. But you are aware that is about the state max was in when you had to click into the viewport to activate it? From about 10 years ago?
Only more complicated because you have to find an awkward key combination on your keyboard to do something that is so basic that you shouldn't even have think about it.
It's these time eaters that interrupt you workflow constantly and make Houdini the most brilliant but least fun to use 3d software today.
Single key viewport switching, scalable viewports and hover activation is standard today. Why not in Houdini?
Edited by OneBigTree - Aug. 6, 2019 11:51:41
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