I'm not buying it. You uesd the term “ladies” to imply commenters were an overly sensative lot which is demeaning to women. Stop cloaking this in humor or, for the others, “he's a good guy and means well.”
This forum is not a conversation, it is a public place were people who work in visual effects and use Houdini gather. Presumably you work in the visual effects industry, an industry that has a terrible history of excluding women and is working overtime to be more inclusive. As pointed out, your earlier comments were out of touch with this. Your new ones are over the top.
The earlier commentor was trying to do you a favor by pointing out a misstep and yet you doubled down by deciding to address them as a women, or worse, “lady.” You don't get to call someone out based on their sex, or anything about who they are. Why you need to do that is telling, and not in a good way.
ALL you had to do was remove ONE word from a post and go about your day. Consider doing that.malbrecht
Dear Mrs FDX3245,
for lack of any information about who you are or are not, I am probably free to assume you are a lady, therefore the addressing. If I should be mistaken, I am sorry - simply trying to give some balance here. I don't consider women less worthy of being addressed than men.
> Also, you might want to reconsider addressing a group of people, some of whom are definitely men, as ‘ladies’,
… Why? Because usually the ladies among us are being addressed as “guys” and that's the “natural” way? I think some of us men need to get used to being “meant inclusively” when someone says “hey, ladies” instead of “hey guys”. As you say, it's a “matter of taste”.
I apologize to anyone who doesn't like to read the brand “Adobe”. I also apologize to anyone who doesn't like to be reminded of development being a lot of work and sometimes things needing longer than anyone would wish for. I also apologize to anyone who is sick of reading my shit here. I wish for an ignore feature on this forum like the next one.
However, I do not apologize for voicing my opinion. THAT is something that some people need to get accustomed to as well: Freedom of speech is not just the freedom of ONE perspective alone. If I consider a statement not fair, I too have the right to say so. And I think I made it clear that I merely expressed my own impression, not eternal wisdom.
Finally, humour *IS* a matter of taste and I consider it possible and not necessarily a bad thing that we do not agree on this either.
Marc Albrecht
That's exactly how I read it.
I'm not a woman for what it matters. Unlike Marc I don't think you have to be one to point that out.