Instances and motionblur

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This should be working, right? What do I miss here.
I tried both motion samples and v attribute and both have no effect. What do I have to add here.
In addition also vblur on a mesh seems to work not the way I at least would expect it, only the tree with samples on a mesh do blur at all.
Please have a look at the stage in the file
Thank You

instances_vblur.hip (452.5 KB)

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Should it work at all in version 18? As Karma is still beta and Solaris quite new, it would be good to know if I just keep running against a solid “not yet” wall.
Thanks for any hints
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Does it work if you use a Cache LOP (to author time samples)
Jason Iversen, Technology Supervisor & FX Pipeline/R+D Lead @ Weta FX
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I tried the cacheLop, but maybe ( I mean chances are good ) I'm doing something wrong here.

The network looks like this for all cases, just the last one works
Edited by sanostol - Sept. 21, 2020 17:08:33

Capture.jpg (66.8 KB)

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Cache lop didn't work for me in any case. Writing out the animation and reading with a sublayer was the only way to get it to work.

However, when closing houdini and reloading my file, it mysteriously works without any changes.


Point instancer:

'Instanceable references' don't work correctly. The blur looks like when there are too many geometry samples when something is moving stochastically.

Instanceable References:

On a side note when using a point instancer prim, the prototypes would appear unhidden when changing the stage by loading a different file with the sublayer. Deleting the sublayer had the effect of re-hiding the prototypes. A similar effect happens when changing the instance method on the poinstancer lop. Deleting the lop and un-deleting also flushes the stage back to a working state.

Testing was with houdini 18.0.532

reference.jpg (123.8 KB)
pointinstancer.jpg (124.0 KB)
instanceable_references.jpg (129.8 KB)
visible_proto.jpg (360.7 KB)
instance_blur.hip (1.1 MB)

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Thanks for Your time, in 18.0.566 it You file also works with cache option.

Another question, I still have is rendering with v blur?

this does not work in any case here

The problem gets even more unpredictable as soon as particle are reaped as they die. Another point for v blur approach. But still found no way to use vblur

As soon es I keep all dead particles I the motion blur does work again. But now I have to deactivate/hide them with the prune node based on the “dead” attribute.
My initial guess was to use the “usd_flattenedprimvarelement” vex function to get the right value for the instance, but I need a index, and @elemnum does not work. the documentation is vague, to say at least.
I think it is not supported yet, but I do hope im wrong.
Edited by sanostol - Sept. 22, 2020 06:13:19
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