I Try to understand how to well setup OCIO and my textures workflow for H20.
I really like the new OCIO editor, very clear.
But after long hours on it I still don't always understand result.
To test pattern/extension OCIO matching I prepared 4 versions of a same srgb jpg texture and 4 version of the ACEScg exr one.
So I have 8 box by render but I don't get expected result for all.
Cf. 3 screenshots commented for the 3 render engines (Opengl, CPU, XPU).
I notice that XPU and CPU doesn't match on cube (7).
Also some color conversion seems to not working : (cf. textes "behavior : Wrong").
Hope someone can explain me what happen or where I made a mistake.
Project files joined below ("2023_11_12_karma_ocio.zip")
Thank you