Using vop bind to affect another node

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I would like to know how I can use a noise in a point vop to affect the distance in a polyextrude (or any node really…).

Right now, I've got a noise that I connected to a “bind” that I named “myNoise”. How to I get the “distance” of a “polyextrude” to be affected by that bind?

I'm new to houdini so be gentle!

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Some nodes will simply allow you to type an attribute name into the field, like the width on polywire. Give it a try. Type @myNoise into the distance field. The attribute must exist on the points or primitives upstream of the node where you use it.
Edited by Enivob - 2018年2月5日 20:48:35
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Still doesn't work. When I check the info at my polyextrude, I can see:

2 Point Attrs
myNoise flt ⁝ P 3flt (Pos)

but, the @myNoise does nothing in the “distance” section.

Am I supposed to use bind or bind export?

Thanks for helping.

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Not all nodes work that way, polyextrude being one of them. There's currently only a few parameters on the polyextrude that can be influenced by attributes. []
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yes local control, “distance scale” (default zscale) is the attribute you want I guess
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Thanks for that link to the help, @zscale does work if you place it on Primitives.

untitled-1.jpg (134.0 KB)
ap_randomize_extrude_distance.hiplc (72.0 KB)

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You can also export the primitive group from the polyextrude then promote the group to points. Then you can apply a mountain to just that point group to randomize the points along the front of the extrude.

untitled-1.jpg (126.8 KB)

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wow… I'm lost!

So, I'm supposed to write zscale in the bind of the point vop?

Did I forget to say I'm a noob? Also, I'm not touching VEX even with a ten foot pole. I'd like to stick to vops since I'm comfortable with nodes stuff.


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VEX is actually easier than VOPs. You have to drop down several nodes, connect them up and configure them correctly in VOPs to produce the one line of code, which is all you need for this solution.
Edited by Enivob - 2018年2月6日 13:24:29
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I completely understand that the most efficient way is VEX (when you know what you're doing) but I've never been good at coding since I get zero enjoyment out of it. Someday, I'll gradually get comfortable with VEX but I'll stick to baby steps using vops for now.

No matter, thanks for helping!

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