Submitting several frame ranges at once to render?

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How do i submit chunks of frame ranges at once in HOudini please? The way to do it in 3ds max is “0-25, 50-100, 150-175” and that does the trick. Not sure what the synthax is in Houdini.


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As a Max user, I do miss this feature when trying to re-render specific bad frames from Houdini.

Take a look at this thread over at Odforce: []

I ended up duplicating the Mantra nodes and set the frame range manually.
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Thanks, I saw that post too, and frankly i'm a bit reluctant to use that method with Redshift nodes, and was hoping that 6 years later (*!!!!*) a simpler “string” solution was implemented into Houdini.

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Same question over here! (Using Mantra and Hqueue to render with network resources)

I just ended up saving multiple hip files for each range and submitting that way. Bit of a pain, especially as a fellow Max user!

Did you have any luck with any other method?
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Interesting…I was researching today how to do something different, but it relates to this thread.

In your hip file out context you could have multiple copies of the same mantra node…with different frame ranges.

Then just run the renders in the command line:

render mantranode_1
render mantranode_2
render mantranode_3


but even more simpler, just research a bit of python on how to enter strings into a paramter ( in this case frame range of the mantranode )

render mantranode_1
python // whatever the python code is here for specific range
render mantranode_1
python // whatever the python code is here for specific range
render mantranode_1
python // whatever the python code is here for specific range

The above isn't technically correct ‘code’, but it gives you the idea.

Varomix in his tut goes into more detail, prettry sure you can get it done following his tut, and a bit of python research. []
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Cool but it would be nice to have this option in a simpler way. Is a feature request logged about that?
Houdini gamboler
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I know this is a very old thread, but in case someone runs into this issue again, duplicate your render rop nodes, connect them all to a merge, and the merge to a batch render node. Make sure to use "render frame range only (strict)" in the range settings. Happy renderings !
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I know this is a very old thread, but in case someone runs into this issue again, duplicate your render rop nodes, connect them all to a merge, and the merge to a batch render node. Make sure to use "render frame range only (strict)" in the range settings. Happy renderings !

I don't understand it quite well, why duplicate?
shouldn't we just merge them all and add a batch render and choose "strict"? []
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I just tried this setup with 3 Redshift ROPs set to different "strict" frames, but I can't get it to render all the input ROPs. The batch only renders the frame of last ROP in the "merge", no matter what setting I use .

Did anyone get this working ?
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I just tried this setup with 3 Redshift ROPs set to different "strict" frames, but I can't get it to render all the input ROPs. The batch only renders the frame of last ROP in the "merge", no matter what setting I use .

Did anyone get this working ?
You need to disable <Non-Blocking Current Frame Rendering> on the Redshift nodes for it to work.
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Also, I'm not sure what the batch node is for. I always just plug all nodes into a merge and render the merge.
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Brilliant, thanks !!

This works flawless after disabling "non blocking current frame".

You're right, just the merge node seems to be needed.
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I managed to make it work with "batch" node, just insert it after every rop node lol and forget it. []
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