I think you can drop down a pyrosource -> initialize as "smoke"
Then drop down a volume rasterize attributes, use 'density' and play with settings to get the look you want.
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Technical Discussion » Particule to smoke
- Hatchery
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Access point attribute inside a DOPNET
- Hatchery
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Can you do what you need using SopSolver in the dop - https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/nodes/dop/sopsolver.html [www.sidefx.com]
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » New to houdini, love it. Some insight please
- Hatchery
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Hello - I'm from a similar back ground although I was 80% 3DS Max. Sounds like you are taking the right approach, I did the same sort of thing.
Focus on how you manipulate points, pretty much everything in houdini is based around points. Sooner of later it will start to click, but you will more than likly hit a few brick walls along the journey... it's really quite a different approach to the autodesk products, but once you get it, you'll never ever want to go back
Not exactly sure what you meant but had a play and see attached.
My journey focused quite a bit on vex, so i tend to fall back to that when im not sure how to do somthing with nodes.
I'm sure someone might know a much simpler way to do this with just standard nodes.
Focus on how you manipulate points, pretty much everything in houdini is based around points. Sooner of later it will start to click, but you will more than likly hit a few brick walls along the journey... it's really quite a different approach to the autodesk products, but once you get it, you'll never ever want to go back

Not exactly sure what you meant but had a play and see attached.
My journey focused quite a bit on vex, so i tend to fall back to that when im not sure how to do somthing with nodes.
I'm sure someone might know a much simpler way to do this with just standard nodes.
Edited by Hatchery - 2023年2月24日 12:13:58
Technical Discussion » Delete occluded geo from animated camera
- Hatchery
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Technical Discussion » opchange issue
- Hatchery
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Not spacifically about renaming but maybe somthing useful - https://www.jamesrobinsonvfx.com/tips/workflow/2021/03/26/opchange/ [www.jamesrobinsonvfx.com]
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Motion paths
- Hatchery
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Hello - Is there a way to show motion paths at the sop level?
I see you can do at OBJ level - https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/basics/motionpath.html [www.sidefx.com]
but would be really good to be able to do the same on a sop level animation geometery
I see you can do at OBJ level - https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/basics/motionpath.html [www.sidefx.com]
but would be really good to be able to do the same on a sop level animation geometery
Houdini Lounge » Houdini 20 Rumors
- Hatchery
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Technical Discussion » Octane basics
- Hatchery
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Hello - If you use Octane then i can really reccomend the OD Tools Octane 'QuickSetup 2021'
https://vimeo.com/380742237 [vimeo.com]
https://origamidigital.com/cart/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=66 [origamidigital.com]
That said, you can create the Octane Render Target in a 'Matnet' or 'shopnet' within SOPS i think many of the tutorials a quite old.
It's ages since ive used displacement but i think you pipe in a DISPLACMENT node to the displacement slot on root material and then your texture into that displacement node. It's then a case of playing with the heights on the dispacement node
I know Rohan Dalvi has a few tutorial on his YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfGN9OlJF9KakdyUK04M3cA [www.youtube.com]
And Entagma have used it on some of their tutorial too, although none spacifially about Octane, more using it as the render engine as part of another tutorial.
https://vimeo.com/380742237 [vimeo.com]
https://origamidigital.com/cart/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=66 [origamidigital.com]
That said, you can create the Octane Render Target in a 'Matnet' or 'shopnet' within SOPS i think many of the tutorials a quite old.
It's ages since ive used displacement but i think you pipe in a DISPLACMENT node to the displacement slot on root material and then your texture into that displacement node. It's then a case of playing with the heights on the dispacement node
I know Rohan Dalvi has a few tutorial on his YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfGN9OlJF9KakdyUK04M3cA [www.youtube.com]
And Entagma have used it on some of their tutorial too, although none spacifially about Octane, more using it as the render engine as part of another tutorial.
Technical Discussion » I asked GPT to write some VEX and OpenCL code
- Hatchery
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Very interesting - So as a grand master of VEX etc... how does it look? Sorry you'll have to excuse my ignorance on the GPT-3 deep/machine learning stuff, but did it give you fully working code with comments out the box?
Edited by Hatchery - 2022年12月5日 07:17:14
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Nails not falling correctly
- Hatchery
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Hello - Just having a little play with this (only got apprentice on my laptop)
It looks like the collision geo on the nails is not very good and causing issues, changing it to 'capsule' in the bullet data of the RBD packed object, and also upping the rotational stiffness on the solver, allows it to getting closer to what i think you want. Attached the tweaked file - I also used the sop RBD solver (unlocked it to be able to go in and change the RBD packed obj collision to 'capsule')
It looks like the collision geo on the nails is not very good and causing issues, changing it to 'capsule' in the bullet data of the RBD packed object, and also upping the rotational stiffness on the solver, allows it to getting closer to what i think you want. Attached the tweaked file - I also used the sop RBD solver (unlocked it to be able to go in and change the RBD packed obj collision to 'capsule')
Technical Discussion » Vellum Open CL Error on new install
- Hatchery
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I did subsequently find this post which may help - https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/87043/ [www.sidefx.com]
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Injection Molding Effect
- Hatchery
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I'd probably do it more like this than actually simulating liquid, which as you say will be expensive - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8FI008FJXM [www.youtube.com]
Houdini Learning Materials » Fabric samples
- Hatchery
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Both work, i went for an older Nvidia driver beacuse I use Octane and their plugin is no updated yet for 19.5.408
Houdini Learning Materials » Fabric samples
- Hatchery
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I think you've just had the same issue i had - https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/87162/ [www.sidefx.com]
Technical Discussion » Vellum Open CL Error on new install
- Hatchery
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Just downgraded to an older Studio version of the Nvidia driver and seems to have fixed things.
Appologies no doubt this has been mentioned somewhere before
Appologies no doubt this has been mentioned somewhere before
Technical Discussion » Vellum Open CL Error on new install
- Hatchery
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Hello - I'm having some issues with getting vellum to do anything on a newly refomatted PC
I keep getting a crash following this error:
The PC is running win10 - Nvidea 2060Super and tried latest Studio and Game drivers.
Am running 19.5.403
Any thoughts?
I keep getting a crash following this error:
1 error generated.
OpenCL Exception: <kernel>:1907:20: error: blocks support disabled - compile with -fblocks or for OpenCL 2.0
The PC is running win10 - Nvidea 2060Super and tried latest Studio and Game drivers.
Am running 19.5.403
Any thoughts?
Solaris and Karma » Karma noise
- Hatchery
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oh brilliant! - i'm not near a copy of Houdini for a few days now but will deffo be giving this a try! Thank you so much for responding.
I know static noise is not always desirable, and my example was very extreem, but for indie users with limited processing power, i've found it to be such a useful option in Octane, but really want to make the gradual switch to Karma/Solaris.
I know static noise is not always desirable, and my example was very extreem, but for indie users with limited processing power, i've found it to be such a useful option in Octane, but really want to make the gradual switch to Karma/Solaris.
Edited by Hatchery - 2022年10月23日 07:34:27
Solaris and Karma » Karma noise
- Hatchery
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This is what i mean - quick test sample from Octane, one with static noise enabled.
You can see the noise is just as bad, but far less distracting. Really no idea if this can be done in Karma, but it would be a really nice.
You can see the noise is just as bad, but far less distracting. Really no idea if this can be done in Karma, but it would be a really nice.
Solaris and Karma » Karma noise
- Hatchery
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Hello - is there an option to have static noise like they have in Octane? This noramally means being able to get away with more noise in a render because it's not dancing about during an animation so much less noticable.
Or is the only option to properly sample renders to eliminate noise? And of course use noise reduction algos?
Or is the only option to properly sample renders to eliminate noise? And of course use noise reduction algos?
Edited by Hatchery - 2022年10月17日 07:04:14
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Modeling - Extrusion with holes
- Hatchery
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Konstantin - Awsome as always (BTW love your Youtube stuff!)
So re the vex i think its used to group the points whoes i@ptrow are only divisible by 4 exactly, ie no remainder (using modulas == 0)and also have a i@ptcol equal to 2. So selecting the centre of the what will be the circle group. It's a very cleaver way to do it with the group promote - very nice!
So re the vex i think its used to group the points whoes i@ptrow are only divisible by 4 exactly, ie no remainder (using modulas == 0)and also have a i@ptcol equal to 2. So selecting the centre of the what will be the circle group. It's a very cleaver way to do it with the group promote - very nice!
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