Sebastian Fila


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Trying to do a river with FLIP Fluids Feb. 28, 2019, 12:09 p.m.

I was trying to make a river to learn how to use FLIP Fluids and Houdini in general. I came across a tutorial and followed up, but when I tried to apply that tutorial to the geometry i wanted to it didn't work the same i look more like an ocean or a lake. Also here is when i realized that the tutorial only works correctly on a straight path along the X Axis. When tried to do it in other direction the sim still goes in the X Axis instead the intended direction.

Can somebody give me a hint or some help on how to correct this? Or maybe an idea on how I can do this?

Thanks in advanced.


Generating Particles from Animated Texture Aug. 16, 2017, 9:05 p.m.

Sadjad Rabiee
You can just use constant parameters inside VOP networks ,So pointing to sequence textures via $F is not constant !
You should just promote map parameter of texture to outside of VOP network ,then address this to your sequenced textures.

This rule is same for ketframed parameters/Expressioned parameters and etc.

Thanks, that worked as expected

Generating Particles from Animated Texture Aug. 14, 2017, 10:43 a.m.

Hi, what I want to do, as the title says, is to emit particles from an animated 2d texture. So far what i have acomplished, is to emit particles from a standard, non animated 2d texture, but i cant get it to be animated, i leave the files i have been working on, im sure is just a stupid thing that i have to turn on, but i cant find it.

Also if there is an easier way, or anothert way you may think i could acomplish the same effect just say it.

Thanks in advanced.