• nickallen 5 years, 10 months ago  | 

    Very cool tutorial! Super new to Houdini and this was a fun project. Having a super difficult time rendering though, mainly due to my lack of experience? I am attempting to use Mantra but I can't seem to get the particle colours in the render.

    • NiklasRingling1998 5 years, 10 months ago  | 

      I have the same problem. I also get no color on my render, have you already figured out how it works?

    • markitecture 5 years, 10 months ago  | 

      Hey, I used redshift to render the example scene, but all I did was use the velocity attribute (v) as a point attribute plugged into a material's diffuse slot. Another viewer used mantra however and posted the following to get the colour to render properly:

      Figured out my problem, yours might be the same! Step One: Select "Use Packed Color" on the material applied to it. In my case it was the default principled shader. Step Two: Enjoy awesome colours. Thanks again!



  • seanhedman 5 years, 10 months ago  | 

    I havent seen the tutorial yet, but in H17 there is now a SOP that can help you colour smoke.

    What Colour has always been a bit of a faff in houdini. You need to export it as a field out of the sim. So in your DopImportFields SOP, you've got all the fields you wish to export (eg density, vel, temperature, rest, etc). Make sure in the dopnet (../../dopnet1/ObjectMerge/Object), instead of * (all objects), you specify only the dopobject (could be a smokeobject, pyro, vellumobject...). Next, in the dopimportfields1 sop, specify which fields you want (density, Cd and maybe vel for motion blur). Also append a volumevisualise sop after the dopimport and choose to visualise density and Cd.

    Theres a good example of this on Tokeru:
    Scroll down to half way and you'll find a scenefile as well. Called "Volumes, pyro, colour".

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