Luiz will explore how the new KineFX character tools in Houdini can be used in support of gamedev projects. He will talk about the motion editing and retargeting tools and how they can be used to refine your motion libraries.


  • GreggoryAddison 4 years, 3 months ago  | 

    Wow this really open my eyes to how much is already possible with kinefx.. I wonder how hard it will be to just make your own UI that handles all ones current needs. Is it as easy as creating custom UI for an HDA?

  • mushogenshin 4 years, 3 months ago  | 

    Mind-blowingly powerful! Thanks so much for the superb presentation, Luiz!

  • mfatal 4 years, 3 months ago  | 

    OH man...for a moment I thought it was all a dream and Luiz was still at SideFx. :) Going to enjoy this last video of the infamous Luiz!

  • neshamota 4 years, 3 months ago  | 

    WOW! this is truly game-changing stuff!
    Currently, using Rokoko is the only available way to bring Vive trackers live to Houdini?
    It would be incredible if you guys from Labs could make an OpenXR plugin, that would open so many possibilities!

  • Tom Freitag 4 years, 3 months ago  | 

    this great overview should not call kinefx for games but kinefx - a gamechanger! awesome stuff!

  • jhonatan31415 4 years, 2 months ago  | 

    I am not sure if I understand kineFx, I wanted to learn about Houdini Character Rigging, is the old tutorials obsolete now that KineFX is here? Or rigging is done like this and kinefx complements it?

  • Ebo 3 years, 10 months ago  | 

    people like LUIZ KRUEL you should never let go :)

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