rendering problem

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Im having h11 and h12 apprentice hd versions installed in win 64 .

my sys config is Intel core 2 quad cpu q9000-8gb ram-win 64
I tried other shaders sometime before,and it was ok.
now something seems wrong and its really very slow

I m hav tried rendering in pbr or ray trace or micropolygon and half hd resolution of 1280x720

is there any problem with my renderer?

PS the rendering works fine in other machine
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here is the image of my network

toodforce.jpg (303.2 KB)

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I don't se an outputCollect node at the end of your network. All i can think of. Maybe just off screen.

I think you will get help faster if you attach a .hip file to this thread.
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i did the shader in H11.
and i thought h12 doesnt have single or multiple SSS nodes? may be because of that?
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Yes the multisss node is obsolete in H12.
The new physicalsss is a node that have the same options. Try that one. Hope it does the job.
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could you share me a file on using physical sss? i really dont know to use as it doesnt have bsdf in it? any ideas on using it?
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If you digg down into houdinis mantraSurface
You can se how they use the physicalsss in there.

mantraSurface -> surfaceModel -> if2 -> physicalsss

Seems that the BSDF gets added outside the if loop with a Physically Based Diffuse.
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hi i dont see any if2 node
are you talking about the sss in the surface model??
could you post a simple example of physical sss if you dont mind.thanks
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I´m no Mantra expert. But i did som research on the physicalsss node.
As far as Mantra is concerned SSS is emission(Ce) So i did output my results as just that.

Also there are options for BRDF in the multisss part of the physicalsss.
The scene provided i use Local BRDF to render a simple geometry. And i output as emission and extra image planes for multi/single scatter.
For a more rich SSS use Local & Global to make use of pointclouds as well.

I can´t remember how the old multisss / singlesss nodes did this. Maybe they did not output as emission and therefor use BSDF in it´s outputs?

sss_dev_v001_sl.hipnc (205.8 KB)

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hi thank you very much for the file.
just one more question.
I tried to generate the point cloud from sops using ssspointcloud node
when i set the point cloud which i rendered in sops in the physical sss(read from file option) i get an invalid point cloud.. any idea on this?
thank you again
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I think the sss_scatter node it is as obsolete as the singlesss / multi nodes i guess they built it all in to physicalsss in H12 to make it more user friendly.

There are a few attribute errors inside of sss_scatter. I fixed all that so the pointcloud works. but physicalsss can not read that info correctly. renders only white.
Seems that old node is not compatible with the new physicalsss.

Any good reason for you to use sss_scatter?

You can generate and reuse in physicalsss as it is.
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No need to regenerate your pointCloud for each frame on deforming geometry.
Only if the topology changes.

Also use Optimize Secondary Rays if you render in PBR. saves alot of rendertime.
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