DOPIMPORT suddenly disapear

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i am doing a rbd sim,
i encountered a problem i never saw before

evreything show normally in the dop net, but when i preview with the imported dop, suddenly the sim disapear at a random frame, even thu when i dive in the dopnet it is still working/visible

I also have terrible framerate when viewing in wireframe mode in the dop net,
2 fps with titan….
never had that before also, i am using metaball/force in the dopnet
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seems to big an opengl BIG issue since things do render, while dsiapearing in the veiw port
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OK i found that all those issue are related to the imported metaball in the sopgeo in dop, the framerate issue as well as thing disapearing in the view port….
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Do you have a simple example you could post?
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here is the file in rar format with object

simple file:

object node with built object>>>>each object imported in their corresponding “Break” node
dop imports the object from the “break” nodes
“break” nodes reimport sim viz..

debug.rar (778.8 KB)

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other info:

when i am in my object i have 120fps in wireframe mode,
while in dop node i go down to 8 fps with metaball, and 60 fps without

120.jpg (43.9 KB)
50.jpg (38.7 KB)
5.jpg (48.3 KB)

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another finding:
even when geometry aren't displayed the slow viewport remains
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Very strange. I profiled the file and the majority of the time is spent in the Nvidia driver itself. I turned off Scene AA and it picked up a bit of performance (still a far ways from Shaded's performance), but when I toggled on Smooth Lines performance quickly died, locking the system for short intervals. I'll debug further to see if there is anything we're doing that is greatly displeasing Nvidia's GL driver. If that fails, I'll try out a few other driver versions (not that it will help you much, since there are few driver versions for the Titan as it is so new).

Thanks for reporting it.
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i gave up on metaball and used custom force field, same result with no problem in viewport.

Also i fixed the ghost object by shifting to H11 viewport..
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At frame 16, the dopimport SOP is reporting a very large bounding box, which keeps on increasing (into the millions of units). This is probably due to a piece flying off at high velocity.

This appears to cause havoc with the viewport frustum culling algorithm. I will disable frustum culling on primitives whose bounding box exceeds a certain size to avoid numerical precision errors, and that should solve the problem.
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Both issues are now fixed in 12.5.438. Thank you for the report!
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