nvidia open gl error code 7

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when i using houdini software(shatter,particles,fluids) my system showing the following msg -(The Nvidia OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver and is unable to continue. The application must close. Please visit http//www.nvidia.com/page/support.html for help. Error code 8.).how to fix this problem.any one help me pls..
my system configuration is-software-windows 7 home premium,houdini12.5,
hardware-intel core i5,8gb RAM,2gb NVIDIA geforce GT-540M with cuda,750GB HARD DISK.
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Usually this message is cause of the your VGA driver !
Update your VGA driver and if it's not solve , temporally change Houdini Scene Renderer to other options like H11 until you find solution !

I have same problem but when I change Rendere Option to H11 it's solved and finally I install another driver to fix it (GTX 570)

To change renderer option :

Edit -> Preferences -> 3D Viewports -> Scene Renderer
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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This means that either a single compute or graphics task is taking long enough to prevent the driver from communicating back to Windows, so Windows thinks it has crashed and attempts to restart it. The graphics card may be still be running a valid task.

The default timeout is 2 seconds, which is relatively short. You can adjust the timeout by editing the registry (minimally using regedit shipped along with Windows, but other tools exist for this). The full Windows article on the subject is here:

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/gg487368.aspx [msdn.microsoft.com]

And the relevant section:
The TDR-related registry keys are located under HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers.

TdrLevel: REG_DWORD. The initial level of recovery. The possible values are:
- TdrLevelOff (0). – Detection disabled.
- TdrLevelBugcheck (1) – Bug check on detected timeout, for example, no recovery.
- TdrLevelRecoverVGA (2) – Recover to VGA (not implemented).
- TdrLevelRecover(3) – Recover on timeout. This is the default value.

TdrDelay: REG_DWORD. The number of seconds that the GPU is allowed to delay the preempt request from the scheduler. This is effectively the timeout threshold. The default value is 2.

TdrDdiDelay: REG_DWORD. The number of seconds that the operating system allows threads to leave the driver. After a specified time, the operating system bug checks the system with the code VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE (0x116). The default value is 5.

You could try setting TdrDelay to 5 and TdrDdiDelay to 15 and see if that helps things. I wouldn't recommend turning off detection altogether; that would prevent legitimate driver hangs from being detected.
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thank u!…i ll try
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