Cut a curve exactly in half? (Carve SOP)

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I have a curve like the following image. When I use the carve sop to cut it in half, the point at which it carves is not perfectly in the middle of the curve.

How do I make the carve sop take lengths between points into account? Is there a way of reparameterizing the curve so that the carve sop behaves like expected?

I want to keep the topology of the curve, so resampling so that each length is the same is not an option.
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Support suggests this:

The parameterization takes into account the length of the segments of your curve, so, looking at your curve, 0.5 will not be where you expect it.

You can try using the basis sop and manually edit the curve basis.

This works like a charm. I added a basis sop before the carve, and set the Parameterization option to “Chord Length”.

EDIT: Actually, this is not accurate either. FFFFFFFFFFFFFF!
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I want to keep the topology of the curve, so resampling so that each length is the same is not an option.
i wd suggest you to use Resampling in order to find the midpoint which ‘physically’ stands over the NURB .

depending on resampling ‘resolution’ , that point cld be as near as possible the ideal-mid-point *.

- you build a NURB line starting from there .

- use CurveSect_SOP to extract the half piece you want ( without affecting original NURB 's remaining knots )

* in my attached file select the look_at_DetailsWindow_for_Perimeter_attrib node to see and compare both halves' lengths .

in my case : a 0.001 length in resampling gives 0.00003 difference . hope thats enough for your case !


CutNURB_inHalf_LengthWize_03.hip (79.8 KB)

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