Attach FLIP animation to animated SOP Geometry

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I've been recently trying to make up FLIP animation effects such as two moving objects crashing each other, then splashing by an explosive force. On that point, I've just got an issue. That's I cannot attach FLIP fluid effects to animated geometry and it doesn't move as I expected. I've tried some ways like making animation with scattering and creating viscosity attribute etc… but it doesn't serve what I want to do at all…
Is there any ideas to solve this problem?

Thank you!
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do you wanna just attach your Flip animation to your animated object or objects ?

for example We have a Flip simulation and moving keyframed object or objects ,when moving object reach to Flip simulation ,then Flip simulation affect moving object ,is it correct ? :? []
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Thanks for the reply, Joker286.

The example is what I'm exactly doing.
FLIP simulation apparently takes priority to affect animated object or objects without specific customising. That's a problem I've got. I want the simulation to keep the shape of object or objects until hitting on explosive geometry(but I want it to keep also animated object's velocities for making spray emrge).

Is it better to create a geo kept the shapes and a geo for FLIP animation separately? But I want to affect the FLIP simulation to the geo kept the shape. So I'm in mess to solve that now.

Hope you get the idea I'm doing.

Thank you.
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Maybe this project can help you :?

You can move flipfluidobject over time with sopsolver DOP.
Also you can set gravity to 0 for prevent falling flip before collision and set gravity to -9.8 after hitting.

I used another object “torus geo” to do this automatically.

Jut download attached file and read sticky notes on it

You can use another flipfluidobject instead wall to make collision effect between two flip system.

JK_FlipAnimation02.hip (1.3 MB) []
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I appreciate the brilliant stuff!

I didn't even realise using Point SOP in SOP solver and the expression at the Velocity parameter.

But one thing I didn't mention for the animated geo… I am very sorry for that. The object or objects will be scanned geo by object tracking. So that it will be an animation backed and moving as shaking or more else happens.

So now, maybe my proper question is how can I get velocities from animated objects and adapt the velocities to Point SOP, which you created very kindly.

Thank you! )
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