pyro fuel consumption

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i have a Senior Maya Fluid and Maya FumeFX Background so solver and setups are no mystery for me.

but there are a few questions that maybe somebody has to explain to me and light my mind.

in Maya and Fume fuel that is pumped in the sim - is ignited and then it is completely burned - in houdini,
everything i have seen , tried and test it, shows me that the fuel field is added to the sim and added and
even if ist burned the field is added. only deactivating the source volume stops fuel from beeing added.
but then in the next Frame the whole fuel field is gone and even the former added fuel has disappeared also…

is there some microsolver node i have to put in the sim or do i miss something else ?
Janko Kissel
Maya & Houdini Smoke and Demolition VFX-Artist [] []
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yeah the fuel is added if there is fuel in the source so if you wanted it to stop you can stop it in SOPs. If there is fuel in SOPs it will get fed into DOPs.

Also there are settings on the burn rate and how much gas is consumed. Houdini's pyro tools are pretty awesome, play around with them some more. Sounds like your frustrated that they don't ‘work like maya’. They don't. In my opinion it's way better than anything in Maya but it takes time to get used to the paradigm. If you have a basic example hip file upload it and put a little note saying how you want it to behave.
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Thx for the fast answer, and no i am not frustrated, the point where i have been frustrated and stepped back to maya, and putted houdini aside is long gone =]
But i have to make those comparison, to better understand it for myself and maybe someone with the same background is reading this, and knows exactlly what i mean.
So, back to topic.
Yes i play around a lot and do a bunch of tutorials, cuz i know how directable and awesome pyro and workflow in houdini is, but lot of tutorials are outdated, bases on pyro1 but give a lot of infos too.
And others telling you, utilize this node,set that value here, without giving information on why it effects the sim that way.

I know what you mean by fuel at sop level, so i will change my setup tomorrow morning.

Do you think its better to source fuel and temperature from different sources or what are better ways to decouple the fuel burst from the ignition?
Janko Kissel
Maya & Houdini Smoke and Demolition VFX-Artist [] []
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There are a couple of different ways of doing it.

Before separating the temperature and fuel you can also scale the temperature and … fuel (I think it's called ‘source volume’ or something).

You can try that as well before messing around in SOPs - wasn't sure what your level was when I responded. Then you can just keyframe it if it's as simple as scaling those inputs. If your looking to do more complicated things then start messing around in SOPs.
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so i do a lot of test at the Moment and try to get the logic behind it and the right feel for setting up my sims and when to use which volume Operation before struggeling with sops.

so what i see next is, when i take the standart setup with sourcing fuel and density, the visualization shows that there is temperature without adding a heat source.

does that mean that there is some Kind of base temperature from the beginning ? so fuel has a starting temp?

ohh and EDIT:

can we visualize the temperatureField or other fields with values instead of Color ?
Janko Kissel
Maya & Houdini Smoke and Demolition VFX-Artist [] []
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take a look at the attached file.

pyro_example.hipnc (1.3 MB)

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ah sorry, answered without reading everything…. reading values of voxels won't be of much help (even with a low resolution field there would be so many numbers it would cover the screen). There are a couple of things you could do - one would be to query the temperature field and take the largest value and display that… so you know what the max temp is in the temperature field.

Take a look at the ‘volumemax’ hscript expression (I found it by typing ‘exhelp -k maximum’ in a textport…. exhelp is the expression help and -k is the keyword. So it will give you all the expressions that have maximum in the help. Then once you know the one you want - in this case ‘volumemax’ you can do ‘exhelp volumemax’ to get the maximum value).
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