Referencing Scatter Points in Copy Node

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Joined: April 2015
Hi! I'm still really new to Houdini and so I was wondering… Is there a way to reference points from a scatter node in the copy node's stamp value input using Python?

I'm trying to create a simple crowd simulator that takes in multiple alembic files into a switch node and distributes them over a grid that has been scattered with the copy node. Using the stamp's variable id I was able to change the alembic file on different points. However the problem was that every frame the alembic file being passed in would change.

I was thinking if I could reference the points from within the value input, we could iterate through an array (stored in an HDA Module) and return a specific point's switch value.
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If you are trying to stamp so that you get different geometries per point you can create a stamp attribute on the copy sop that goes something like this.

int(rand($PT) * 10)

That will randomly stamps geo on points with the number 10 being the number of inputs into the switch that wont change per frame. You can also use a cache node to do this if your files are named sequentially , i.e - mygeo.$F4.bgeo
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