OpenCL: Won't change from GPU to CPU

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Hey everyone,

Here are my computer specs for reference:
ASUS X99 Motherboard
I7 5930k 3.6 ghz
32GB DDR4 2400 MHZ

I started running a PyroFX simulation and every time I do so, OpenGL crashes after a certain time (around 50 frames). I've looked online and people have said that I don't have enough VRAM on my GPU. If that is the case, how can I allocate more VRAM? The division resolution of the sim isn't that high either (.05).

Every time I even open up the file I get this error right away:

OpenCL Exception: Failed to create compute grid. (-4)
OpenCL Exception: Failed to create compute grid. (-4)
OpenCL Exception: clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (-4)
OpenCL Exception: clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (-4)
OpenCL Exception: clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (-4)
OpenCL Context error: CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE error executing CL_COMMAND_NDRANGE_KERNEL on GeForce GTX 980 (Device 0).

I've also tried using the CPU instead of the GPU because I would have more memory. ( [] When I put the specific environment variable in I get an error in Houdini saying:

OpenCL Exception: Could not create OpenCL device of type (HOUDINI_OCL_DEVICETYPE): CPU on platform vendor (HOUDINI_OCL_VENDOR): Intel(R) Corporation (-6)

I know I put the information in the correct place because I checked Houdini's Command Line and it was on there. It's pretty frustrating not being able to run a sim for good amount of time on pretty decent machine without Nvidia telling me that it crashed. Not really sure how to fix any of these problems, I am a new user by the way.

I have also attached the file I used to run the simulation.

Thanks for the help in advance!

explosiontest.hip (1.4 MB)

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It definately works on Xeons: In H14 putting the below in the houdini.env file is successful once you install the opencl_runtime_14.2_x64_setup.msi

HOUDINI_OCL_VENDOR=Intel(R) Corporation
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Tried all that but still doesn't work.. I'm running Houdini 13 and I downloaded and installed the opencl_runtime_15.2_x64_setup.msi. I doubt it's because my 5th Gen processor..
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I'm running your sim currently and at frame 48 it needs 32 GB of memory; you are simply running out of ram most likely.
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What way is there going about this if that is the case?
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