Changes in Cloth Solver Nodes

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I am trying to build a cloth sim following CMI's cloth tutorial.

The tutorial is a few versions old (im guessing around H11 or H12) and using the old cloth solver. Several of the shelf tools used, while they provide the same functionality, create drastically different nodes. This makes it very hard to tweak settings that are no longer there or insert a node in a network structure that doesnt exist, thus making it really hard to follow along and learn.

A simple example, in the previous version when creating a cloth object out of a mesh Houdini automatically created quite a few nodes in the Geo area such as ‘REST’, ‘Convert_To_Cloth’, etc. These are no longer present. Therefore, for example, I dont know how to make the cloth object want to follow a rest position (for example to be more fitted to the body).

Anybody have any idea if there is someplace documenting these changes and where to find the equivalent nodes in the new versions of Houdini, or how to get the same functionality?

Thanks in advance,
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