Adding new RBD object to a sim already in progress

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I am relatively new to Houdini and have been using it for a few months now. I have a subscription to Digital Tutors and CMI and I have been devouring every tutorial that I can get my grubby little mits on to get up to speed. I also bought Houdini on the Spot and The Magic of Houdini and I noticed that the authors post here frequently so thank you for the books and I hope the few bucks that you make from the sale serve you well. And, of course, I have gone through all of the tuts here on the SideFX site and have heard Ari's voice so much that people in my dreams are now talking like him :-p

Now, as for my problem. I have a scene where I am copying a box to a grid of points defined by another divided box. Then I am using a third box as a group selection so that only points inside the third get copied. Finally, I take the resulting selection and convert them to RBD Fractured objects. That part works great. What doesn't work is when I animate the third box (the selection one) so that new points are being added to the selection with the hopes that the Copy node will add new blocks and then have them fall as well.

If anyone has some insight I would be most appreciative. Thanks and Greets to everyone.


RBDTest.hipnc (267.8 KB)

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I think the best thing to do is to search the forums before asking a question. Both this forum and odforce are pretty good - as is google. You are definitely not the first to want to do something like this. A quick search for ‘dynamically adding rbd’ yeilds: []
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