Out of Application Memory

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Joined: March 2016
Hey all,

So i just picked up a copy of houdini indie and im just, i think, starting to get the hang of it. I set up a FLIP simulation of a glass filled with water with a block getting dropped into it.

Seemed to work fine, so i have dropped the particle separation to .005 and started to sim it, its a 100 frame animation and over night it got to frame 87… im so very close… heres my issue. im now out of application memory, i closed all other applications to not much avail…

Activity monitor tells me Houdini is using 112 GB of memory (my computer holds 64GB so some must be VM)… im aware its a high res simulation but that seems insane when houdini tells me only one frame is in RAM, the rest should be saved to disk.. i think thats the dark blue keyframes anyways.

So how can i solve this issue?

Should i be cacheing the sim in another way? ie not though just pressing play. or are there options to save on ram or empty the cache half way though? If it has been fine using VM up until now why cant it continue?

I noticed also that each frame seems to take longer than the last
my first frames calculated in under a minute and now they seem to be taking between a half hour and 50 minutes each?

I feel like im not optimising something right. any help?

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for simulating high res Flip Simulations it's normal . they need so larger memory space.

you have some solutions for these situations :

1. Set larger Virtual Memory on your OS , sometimes this can prevent to crashing Houdini.

2. Use lower value for Cache Memory (MB) parameter in the AutoDopNetwork node.

3. Using Checkpoints (Explicit Cache) for you simulation.in this case you can close Houdini after specify frames (for example each 20 frames) and restart it again for continuing your simulation (or after crashing) , with this method you can refresh your RAM very well.

4. and another perfectly suggestion is using Linux instead of Windows , Because Linux using better memory managment system.

https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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