Question about switch node

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Hi I'm trying to get this expression to work but i keep getting a syntax error what could I do to fix it?

if(ch(“../Controls/Width”)%2 ==0, 0,) if(ch(“../Controls/Width”)%2 !=0, 1)

Im essentially trying to make it so that is my control is on an even number it does the first one but if it is on an odd number it does the other

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Vishnu Gollakota
if(ch(“../Controls/Width”)%2 ==0, 0,) if(ch(“../Controls/Width”)%2 !=0, 1)

This should work:
if(ch(“../Controls/Width”)%2 ==0, 0, 1)

However, this is a bit overkill, because “ch(”../Controls/Width“)%2” is already zero when ch(“../Controls/Width”) is an even integer and one when it is an odd, positive integer, so if you know that it'll be positive you can just do:

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