Flag FAIL! Wind force issues.

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So… this is a bit embarrassing. Been trying to simulate what should be one of the most simple things in the world. A flag, swaying in the wind.

Followed the incredibly simple tutorial “How to make a waving flag” on the docs and everything works fine until i drop the Wind force dop.

My flag dosen't way. It gets jumbled up in noise caos and after a couple hundred frames it crumples and stops.

Changing velocity values on the wind force dop seems to have no effect on the simulation.

Think i'm probably missing something INCREDIBLE fundamental here.

Attached is my .hip file.

Any light would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

flag_fail3.hiplc (180.9 KB)

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I recommend that you don't use the Wind Force at all for this.
Just using the Drag Settings on the Cloth Object should give you much better results.

The Wind Force (and also the Fan Force) are in need of improvement. I've added Bug 81146 for this.

Also, I recommend keeping the wind velocity in a realistic range.
If the response of the flag to the wind needs to be stronger, then the best approach is to increase the drag coefficients.

flag_using_drag_settings.hiplc (148.2 KB)

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Thanks for the help! Glad it's a bug and not me.
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Joined: June 2008
Hello looking for answers I add my concern to this discution

By the way, in need for some more turbulent forces on falling leaves I could not find a way to properly sue the “external velocity field” aproach. Do you have an example working? Is there an other way do get turbulences on cloth.

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