Menus disappearing

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Hey. New guy here. Just started messing around with an apprentice license. Seems like a pretty nice app, but I'm having problems with what seems to be one of the most basic operations.
Basically, I'm having trouble with the right-click menu in the geometry SOP. If I right-click and hold, the appropriate menu comes up correctly. But whenever I then try to move the mouse over to select one of the operations from the menu that pops up in the perspective view, the menu disappears (regardless of whether or not I'm still holding the right mouse button).
Sometimes Houdini doesn't do this, like when I first load the program up and start working with geometry. But most of the time, the menu just disappears on me any time I try to do anything with it. It seems to work flawlessly in orthographic views, but not perspective views.
I'm sure I must be missing something retardedly simple here, but I'll be damned if I know what it is… :?

Also, when you middle-mouse click in the view pane (also in geometry SOP) to bring up the vertical slider menu for an attribute, how do you close that menu (it automatically closes in orthographic views when you release the MMB, but sticks around in the perspective view)? Right now, the only way I can seem to close that is to press tab twice (opening up the tab menu gets rid of the vertical slider, hitting tab again closes the tab window)
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Joined: July 2005
Hi there,

It would help if you can post what graphics card & OS you're using. I've seen the sticky menu in the viewport before & to get rid of them, hit the Tab key twice. Either it's a redraw issue or a bug with the viewport display.

Welcome to Houdini-land!

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33 posts
XP (home)
Radeon 9800 Pro (Yes yes, I know… ops: )

Both of these problems seem to go away when I restard Houdini, but I can't quite figure out what I'm doing that triggers the behavior (although I think it tends to happen the most when I minimize/maximize the houdini window, to work with other apps).
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