select points on a curve based on curve length or current end point

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I have a curve(s) that I am “trimming” by using adjustPrimLength in a wrangle.

I need to find a way to select/group the points at a variable percentage from the growing/shrinking end of the curve.

If I were using carve to do this I would probably just do a distance measurement between the carve location and the points on the curve, but I cant do that here as I am working with multiple primitives of different length.

Trying to think of some handle I can use to identify the current endpoint on each primitive…

I suspect this is really easy but it is escaping me at the moment.

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I moved a bit farther along here but still having some troubles. Maybe I should re post but I would like to change the question a bit.

I have several curves, each with a unique start point. I need to add a distance based attribute based on the start point to each individual point on that primitive. I am thinking for next loop but wondering if there is another more efficient approach?
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Here is a very simple set up that uses a ramp to create an attribute that creates the group.
Edited by sl0throp - July 20, 2017 13:56:07

grp_by_att.hip (89.8 KB)

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Joined: April 2014
ah!, nice a few hidden gems in here - at least for me
thank you
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