HDK | Question about SIM_SingleSolver

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Hey Guys,

I'm currently working on the implementation of an SPH Framework in Houdini.
As written in the HDK docs I derived my Solver from SIM_SingleSolver. That's working pretty fine.

My ‘Issue’ is, that the Solver sees to be created on every simulation frame. A simple std::cout in the constructor proofs this. Is this the default and wanted behaviour for solvers? I don't find any hint in the docs.

This matters to me because the derived Solver class was supposed to hold my SPH Solver Instance, but this won't work if it is created on every frame..
What I tried to do is that I derived a Subclass from SIM_Data and created this Data in the solveSingleObjectSubclass. But even with the SIM_DATA_RETURN_EXISTING Macro defined in the SIM_DATA_CREATE functions newly instatiates it..

I only get a ‘constant’(non changing uniqueids) set of Data when I implement my SIM_Data Subclass as a ApplyData Node that I can put in the Nodegraph. But that's not what I want and I'd like to avoid wrapping my SPH Solver in a Singleton just to come over this problem.

I really appreciate any feedback
best regards
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Joined: Dec. 2013
In the end I found a solution. there is the makeEqualSubclass abstract class that I had to implement in my SIM_Data subclass. There you can grab your old data and show how to handle this data, like copying.

I hope someday someone will find this helpful.

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