Blending Keyframe and sim animation

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I've looked at the help regarding the blend solver and it looks promising but I've ran into a few technical problems.

I'm running an animated character (alembic/capture), and because of the movements there's interpenetration in the shoulder regions, elbow regions, etc. Usual stuff. I had the bright idea to use FEM as a way to solve for these specific areas so when I run cloth it won't get caught in the character. Also I'd have the added benefit of those ares nicely squishing, a faux muscle deformation of sorts.

I don't know a good way to run a sim but also have it follow keyframes, The blendsolver technique listed in the help looks like it could work, but the vellumsolver doesn't hook into the blend solver. It's apparently the wrong type. The old FEM solver was quite slow. Mind I haven't gotten into the active attribute workflow yet, so maybe I could speed the FEM solver up a bit. The other thing was the FEM solver's result weren't all the great looking either topology wise. Is there a specific topology it favors?
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I found a potential solution for anyone who might stumble across this. With Vellum Configure Cloth you can pass it a group in its Pin to Animation section for the areas you don't want to sim, and turn on Match Animation. Areas outside the group will then simulate. Attributes can then be painted to influence falloffs and what not.

It worked ok, but ultimately it wasn't a perfect solution for me. The side effect is it does give me the knowledge to affect the cloth more cleverly. My workflow is to Vellum Drape the cloth, skin it to bones, and then use Vellum Configure Cloth to have the troublesome areas stick to the animation.
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