How to get rid of mesh skipping in Flip Fluid simulation?

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Hello good people,
I got a question concerning Fluid sim. I'm trying to get this slow motion flowing fluid. I like the effect so far but I can't get rid of that jitter/skipping/teleportation of the mesh on the edges. Take a look at example. It's very visible on the left edge of the fluid at 2 second of the animation. I attached hip file if you want to check the settings.

I will be grateful for your input on that matter.

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Edited by PatrykC - March 11, 2019 06:40:11

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tar_26.hiplc (2.6 MB)

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I took a quick look at your scene. I don't have the chance to try to sim it right now but..

As you probably already know, this happens during the mesh processing. That's because of the pscale of the particles and the influence scale.

For what I know, more or less is like this. If the distance between a group of particles is less than particle separation * influence scale, they are going to be considered as part of the same “mesh”. If they are more far than that (plus some other factors), they are going to be separated drops after the meshing.

This popping is probably caused because of your particle radius scale in your flipobject. Being less than 1 it's meshing this particles just when they are close enough to each other, causing this issue. If the particles are too much isolated they are not meshed.

If this is not working, an alternative could be:
- run a post-process on the flip simulation, cleaning the not desired particles using the droplet attribute
- check, inside a SOP solver running through the full timeline, which particles are going to cause this issue (for example testing the count of near points inside a certain radius), deleting them and then meshing.
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Thank you for your input Andrea, I appreciate it alot.

I found out that in flipsolver under Volume Motion in Solver tab you may change the Spatial Scale. Default is 1 for scenes created in meters. Since I focus more on “slow mo” detail below 1 meter I changed this scale to 0.1 and it already smoothed the edges alot during animation. With 0.01 it's buttery smooth.

I hope that info helps someone.
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