uv pelt Question

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I am now learning how to use the UV pelt sop. But according to Houdini's UV pelt's tutorial, it shows only how to use the UV pelt to handle the monkey's body. How about the monkey's hands and head? SHould I use UV unwrap instead of UV pelt for its head and hands. Or I should use set centre primitive on its hand and head again with a seperate UV Pelt?

This is a new tool to me. It is a bit vague for me. please help! thanks for your attention!
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in the pelt sop there is a parameter called hint primitive:
you can select a poly number that is in the part you want to pelt.

so if you want to UV pelt more parts you have to copy the pelt sop and select other hint primitives.
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Hi ,
I am going to make a human head. Could anyone point me to a Houidni tutorial which shows how to use the tool “UV pelt” to create the UV for a human head?

Any help will be highly appreciated!

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Hi there,

In the UVpelt, sometimes I found it hard to tell Houdini which seams the software should cut for me. Becasue sometimes the seam turns thick Red in the viewer when I choose it but sometimes it does not turn red even I have selected that seam to be cut. Is there any rule to tell UV pelt which seams the UVpelt shoudl cut?

thanks for the attentions!
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yeah, ive had this problem too.. i usually just select the edges i want to cut anyway, even if they dont turn red.. after thats done, mess with the hint primitive parameter while watching the uv view.. and on certain primitives it usually picks up the edges youve selected… its a bit weird but normally works for me.
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