facial animation

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hello All

Above all, I feel that H is very stable, precis, it's not Max :wink:

There is the little cartoon character to the test rig:

How facial animation works on this character: is this morph targets?
Is there an exercise that explains in detail the way to do (the menu).
I usually make morphs for facial animation, when I go to animation mode (desktop) I see a menu morphs to run, how it is done this menu?

other question: is't possible to render specular layer only?

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Having used 3ds Max morph targets quite a bit I'd say that Houdini's morph stuff is a lot more flexible.

The blend shapes SOP is probably what you're looking for. It can blend lot's of stuff though, not just point positions.

You could setup a very similar system to max though, this would simply require putting the blend before the deformation, just like in max putting the morpher modifier before the skin.

Also Houdini has deep rasters just like max, but has a full compsiting program built into Houdini and render takes to back them up! Check out the lighting pdf tutorials for this probably.
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I see,

How to do :
I created an object besides that I would like to add in the morph, is't possible to do?
With blendshapes work apparently only when I edit the source object.

Is't correct?
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It works identically to max's in that respect. It doesn't require the same / edited mesh, but I think it would need the same number of points.

In Houdini to make modifications simply break that off into another flow and edit it without changing vertex count etc. I guess it's possible to do it with a completely new mesh but you would have to watch out for the point ordering to avoid contorted polygons
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ok,it's work to.

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