How to gather channels from CHOPs

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I have a SOP sim that I read with dyn chop. I want to pass this data back to another SOP with primitives in groups.

The objective is to sim low rez geo in dops (from obj) and pass those channels back to a hi rez obj loader tomake loops for review faster.

Many thanks.

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as much as I like CHOPs here I don't think they are really necessary. I attached a simple scene.

Also I've found with really big stuff the dynamics CHOP isn't exactly fast since the sim needs to re-cook whenever somthing is changed.

So, I've found it's best to write out points representing the RBD's with all the necessary dop data as point attributes on disk using expressions.

Then read this back in with the file SOP to geometry CHOP for manipulation. This method is very fast.

Or did you have something different in mind?

Attachments: (18.8 KB)

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I achieved what I was looking for by just using DOP import SOP.

First, I sim in DOPs reading low rez geo. After my sim is cool, what I do is to switch my DOP import SOP between the file loaders of low/hi rez and, while sharing the same names and same primitives, the data from the sim is automatically applied to the hi res model. Does it make sense?

I guess that, as always, same thing can be achieved through several ways. I´ll have a look to your scene as writing data is a good exercise !!

Many thanks.
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